Student Corner: Yanceyville Open HouseBy CED Program Interns & StudentsPublished February 25, 2010John Killeen is a graduate student in the Department of City and Regional Planning working in Caswell County. This evening (Thursday February 25), a public event will be held celebrating the official opening of Yanceyville’s new civic facility. Starting at 5pm, the public is invited to join town council and staff to inaugurate the building, the renovated Royal Hosiery Mill as the new home of town administrative offices, town council chambers, and the newly completed Yanceyville Museum of Art. Town officials will conduct tours tours and serve beverages for any attending. This event marks the official completion of a process begun in June of 2009 when CCP interns in Caswell County helped town council revision the building’s use as Piedmont Community College’s tenure there came to an end. After several permutations and design suggestions were examined, the current arrangement took shape, with an undetermined “flex” space being officially designated the town Art Museum. If you are in the neighborhood, drop by and visit. |
Published February 25, 2010 By CED Program Interns & Students
John Killeen is a graduate student in the Department of City and Regional Planning working in Caswell County.
This evening (Thursday February 25), a public event will be held celebrating the official opening of Yanceyville’s new civic facility. Starting at 5pm, the public is invited to join town council and staff to inaugurate the building, the renovated Royal Hosiery Mill as the new home of town administrative offices, town council chambers, and the newly completed Yanceyville Museum of Art. Town officials will conduct tours tours and serve beverages for any attending.
This event marks the official completion of a process begun in June of 2009 when CCP interns in Caswell County helped town council revision the building’s use as Piedmont Community College’s tenure there came to an end. After several permutations and design suggestions were examined, the current arrangement took shape, with an undetermined “flex” space being officially designated the town Art Museum.
If you are in the neighborhood, drop by and visit.
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