Published September 22, 2011 By CED Guest Author
Kendra Cotton is a project director with the Community-Campus Partnership.
Founded in 2010, Common Ground of Eastern North Carolina, Inc. established Kinston’s first community garden in an effort to “create opportunities for youth of limited resources to engage in personal and social change through sustainable agriculture and environmental stewardship.” Located at the intersection of Laura Lane and Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Boulevard on five acres of a post-Hurricane Floyd FEMA buyout flood site owned by the City of Kinston, the garden’s grand-opening/dedication ceremony will be held on Saturday, September 24 from 9am-1pm on its grounds.
The community garden and orchard seeks to cultivate community and help residents develop healthier lifestyles by creating an attractive, urban green space where children and their families can enjoy the outdoors, grow their own food and increase physical activity levels. Dr. Alice Ammerman, a professor in the UNC School of Public Health and I will be speaking at the event as many of the community partners involved with this initiative are affiliates with CCP efforts in Lenoir County.
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