Cultivating Leadership in Caswell CountyBy CED Guest AuthorPublished November 3, 2011Kendra Cotton is the project director for the Community-Campus Partnership. UNC’s Community-Campus Partnership (CCP), the Danville Regional Foundation (DRF) and the Town of Yanceyville have a shared interest in developing leadership in Caswell County. Through several recent projects, CCP has identified teachers in public schools as a possible talent pool for future civic leadership. As such, CCP reached out to the Danville Regional Foundation given its commitment to Caswell County’s citizenry. Specifically, it is thought that DRF’s “Make It Happen” grants may be an incentive for teachers to self-organize around priorities and assume community leadership roles beyond the school. CCP has resources, i.e. UNC faculty, staff and graduate student interns, to support these potentially short-term efforts. It is hoped that once some small successes are realized through this initiative, these civic-minded educators will have a renewed commitment to transforming their community and will subsequently want to continue their community-engagement activities. Educators may want to specifically explore additional funding opportunities via the long-term grant offerings that DRF has available; and/or, they may elect to enhance their participation in other community organizations. On Tuesday, December 13, an open dinner conversation will be held to introduce this leadership initiative to Caswell County educators. Facilitators will help to organize teachers around small projects/priorities (in school and beyond). DRF representatives will be on hand to discuss and answer questions about “Make It Happen” grant opportunities. The meeting will be held from 5:30-7:30pm at the Yanceyville Municipal Services Building located at 158 E. Church Street. |
Published November 3, 2011 By CED Guest Author
Kendra Cotton is the project director for the Community-Campus Partnership.
UNC’s Community-Campus Partnership (CCP), the Danville Regional Foundation (DRF) and the Town of Yanceyville have a shared interest in developing leadership in Caswell County. Through several recent projects, CCP has identified teachers in public schools as a possible talent pool for future civic leadership. As such, CCP reached out to the Danville Regional Foundation given its commitment to Caswell County’s citizenry. Specifically, it is thought that DRF’s “Make It Happen” grants may be an incentive for teachers to self-organize around priorities and assume community leadership roles beyond the school. CCP has resources, i.e. UNC faculty, staff and graduate student interns, to support these potentially short-term efforts. It is hoped that once some small successes are realized through this initiative, these civic-minded educators will have a renewed commitment to transforming their community and will subsequently want to continue their community-engagement activities. Educators may want to specifically explore additional funding opportunities via the long-term grant offerings that DRF has available; and/or, they may elect to enhance their participation in other community organizations.
On Tuesday, December 13, an open dinner conversation will be held to introduce this leadership initiative to Caswell County educators. Facilitators will help to organize teachers around small projects/priorities (in school and beyond). DRF representatives will be on hand to discuss and answer questions about “Make It Happen” grant opportunities.
The meeting will be held from 5:30-7:30pm at the Yanceyville Municipal Services Building located at 158 E. Church Street.
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