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Community and Economic Development – Blog by UNC School of Government

What @sog_ced is reading on the web: January 2013

By CED News and Social Media

Published January 31, 2013

CED_Icon_for_TwitterThe following are articles and reports on the web that the Community and Economic Development Program at the UNC School of Government shared through social media over the past month. Follow us on twitter or facebook to receive regular updates.

In addition to the Waynesville historic hospital redevelopment in which @sog-ced’s Development Finance Initiative (DFI) was featured (here:, several redevelopment projects around North Carolina were in the news this month:

DFI was also mentioned in conjunction with the announcement of a grant award for CPNI, which is DFI’s partner in a Rural Center program to inventory vacant buildings in small towns and redevelop the best structures:

Looks like the School of Government had a good idea when it established DFI to support local governments with public-private partnerships, because Brookings is proposing something similar—a unit to provide technical assistance for the execution of public-private partnerships—at the federal level:

Raleigh City Council is not ready (yet) to use crowd-funding to finance small neighborhood projects,, but it did support affordable housing geared toward artists,, and it recapitalized its small business loan fund,

Op-ed by UNC planning faculty proposes ways to make economic development incentives smarter:

RAND report finds that inclusionary zoning does indeed lead to economic integration: Here’s how to put a local inclusionary zoning policy together to promote mixed income housing under North Carolina law:

Lexington, North Carolina, approves multimodal station for the heart of its Depot District redevelopment area. Goal is to attract Amtrak stop.

Hotel developer in Wilmington, North Carolina, requests delay while seeking EB-5 foreign investor funding:

Industrial parks (megasites) possibly in the works for Randolph County and Davidson County in North Carolina:

Onslow County, North Carolina, is the fastest-growing county in the US:

Four examples of creative placemaking:

Wall Street Journal discusses the pros and cons of subsidizing the development of hotels:

Mikki Sager is named Tarheel of the Week by the News & Observer for her environmental asset-based community development work in rural North Carolina:

Also heard in North Carolina: Article describes the need for more housing in the downtown core of San Antonio, Texas:

U.S. housing policy is weighted toward homeownership. 2013-2017 federal homeownership subsidies will outstrip rental subsidies by more than 19 to 1:

New Markets Tax Credit Coalition report describes the economic development impact of New Markets Tax Credits in terms of jobs and tax base:

Published January 31, 2013 By CED News and Social Media

CED_Icon_for_TwitterThe following are articles and reports on the web that the Community and Economic Development Program at the UNC School of Government shared through social media over the past month. Follow us on twitter or facebook to receive regular updates.

In addition to the Waynesville historic hospital redevelopment in which @sog-ced’s Development Finance Initiative (DFI) was featured (here:, several redevelopment projects around North Carolina were in the news this month:

DFI was also mentioned in conjunction with the announcement of a grant award for CPNI, which is DFI’s partner in a Rural Center program to inventory vacant buildings in small towns and redevelop the best structures:

Looks like the School of Government had a good idea when it established DFI to support local governments with public-private partnerships, because Brookings is proposing something similar—a unit to provide technical assistance for the execution of public-private partnerships—at the federal level:

Raleigh City Council is not ready (yet) to use crowd-funding to finance small neighborhood projects,, but it did support affordable housing geared toward artists,, and it recapitalized its small business loan fund,

Op-ed by UNC planning faculty proposes ways to make economic development incentives smarter:

RAND report finds that inclusionary zoning does indeed lead to economic integration: Here’s how to put a local inclusionary zoning policy together to promote mixed income housing under North Carolina law:

Lexington, North Carolina, approves multimodal station for the heart of its Depot District redevelopment area. Goal is to attract Amtrak stop.

Hotel developer in Wilmington, North Carolina, requests delay while seeking EB-5 foreign investor funding:

Industrial parks (megasites) possibly in the works for Randolph County and Davidson County in North Carolina:

Onslow County, North Carolina, is the fastest-growing county in the US:

Four examples of creative placemaking:

Wall Street Journal discusses the pros and cons of subsidizing the development of hotels:

Mikki Sager is named Tarheel of the Week by the News & Observer for her environmental asset-based community development work in rural North Carolina:

Also heard in North Carolina: Article describes the need for more housing in the downtown core of San Antonio, Texas:

U.S. housing policy is weighted toward homeownership. 2013-2017 federal homeownership subsidies will outstrip rental subsidies by more than 19 to 1:

New Markets Tax Credit Coalition report describes the economic development impact of New Markets Tax Credits in terms of jobs and tax base:

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