What @sog_ced is reading on the web: March 2013By CED News and Social MediaPublished March 28, 2013
Examination of North Carolina Governor’s proposed budget cuts to the state’s economic development nonprofits: http://bit.ly/14re0H5. North Carolina Commerce Secretary proposes public-private partnership to perform some of state’s economic development activities: http://bit.ly/13XN1Tm. Will new wave of US advanced manufacturing “involve relatively few people and a lot of computers?” http://bit.ly/VU0Ay7. Davie County, North Carolina, uses a multi-faceted approach to economic development: education, business development, and redevelopment: http://bit.ly/105S2SM. Report estimates amount of sequester cuts to federal community development grants for North Carolina: CDBG cut is $3,400,072 and HOME cut is $1,346,527. http://bit.ly/XGjzwL. Chapel Hill, North Carolina’s good news/ bad news on its inclusionary housing policy. Many new affordable housing units have been created, but that means more operating costs. http://bit.ly/12pWMKh. 84 percent of workers living in Camden County, North Carolina, commute to other counties for work, 4th highest out-commute rate in U.S.: http://1.usa.gov/135sPiZ. General Assembly fiscal research: $1.35 billion in economic development expenditures (mostly incentives) by North Carolina in FY 2011-12. http://bit.ly/13VrJFT. More mortgage products for mobile homes? Mortgage performance for manufactured homes is comparable to similar site-built homes: http://bit.ly/WVcNp3. Tax rates don’t matter to North Carolina’s economic development success? How reconcile this: Tax Foundation says North Carolina is 44th worst in the nation in terms of tax burden, http://bit.ly/16baPRP, but at the same time North Carolina is Forbes 4th best state for business, http://onforb.es/13oFrlt. Entertainment complex thriving in North Carolina small town: http://bit.ly/YEiNRp. AJ Fletcher Foundation to expand support of East Durham Children’s Initiative, to revitalize neighborhood without displacing residents: http://bit.ly/WF9XPC. “Weighty” economic development issue: North Carolina adults are 14th fattest in US, and youth are worse at 12th. http://bit.ly/12pYz1V. Dueling information on Charlotte stadium. Sports economist says that the economic impact of the stadium is about the same as a shopping mall and “We don’t usually subsidize malls.” http://bit.ly/XeaKe5. On the other hand, University of South Carolina report says that pro football team directly contributes 4,415 jobs & creates $361.5 million annually. http://bit.ly/XeaKe5. Electric vehicle manufacturing and Charlotte’s light rail help propel North Carolina to #2 in clean energy jobs: http://bit.ly/10haWMp. Kinston’s promise neighborhood, http://bit.ly/Z3T7JV, is building momentum, http://bit.ly/Z3T5By. USDA report on role of local food hubs: http://1.usa.gov/XvF0xw. Joe Minicozzi’s case for downtown development: http://youtu.be/zLRMSnWFKZg. Debate over tax exempt bond financing for economic development. NY Times article: http://nyti.ms/ZlFoyN , CDFA rebuttal: http://bit.ly/YQWWBW. The Best Performing Cities in 2012: http://bit.ly/14u76fx. Florida to cut economic development funding? http://bit.ly/ZO48Bs. |
Published March 28, 2013 By CED News and Social Media
The following are articles and reports on the web that the Community and Economic Development Program at the UNC School of Government shared through social media over the past month. Follow us on twitter or facebook to receive regular updates.
Examination of North Carolina Governor’s proposed budget cuts to the state’s economic development nonprofits: http://bit.ly/14re0H5.
North Carolina Commerce Secretary proposes public-private partnership to perform some of state’s economic development activities: http://bit.ly/13XN1Tm.
Will new wave of US advanced manufacturing “involve relatively few people and a lot of computers?” http://bit.ly/VU0Ay7.
Davie County, North Carolina, uses a multi-faceted approach to economic development: education, business development, and redevelopment: http://bit.ly/105S2SM.
Report estimates amount of sequester cuts to federal community development grants for North Carolina: CDBG cut is $3,400,072 and HOME cut is $1,346,527. http://bit.ly/XGjzwL.
Chapel Hill, North Carolina’s good news/ bad news on its inclusionary housing policy. Many new affordable housing units have been created, but that means more operating costs. http://bit.ly/12pWMKh.
84 percent of workers living in Camden County, North Carolina, commute to other counties for work, 4th highest out-commute rate in U.S.: http://1.usa.gov/135sPiZ.
General Assembly fiscal research: $1.35 billion in economic development expenditures (mostly incentives) by North Carolina in FY 2011-12. http://bit.ly/13VrJFT.
More mortgage products for mobile homes? Mortgage performance for manufactured homes is comparable to similar site-built homes: http://bit.ly/WVcNp3.
Tax rates don’t matter to North Carolina’s economic development success? How reconcile this: Tax Foundation says North Carolina is 44th worst in the nation in terms of tax burden, http://bit.ly/16baPRP, but at the same time North Carolina is Forbes 4th best state for business, http://onforb.es/13oFrlt.
Entertainment complex thriving in North Carolina small town: http://bit.ly/YEiNRp.
AJ Fletcher Foundation to expand support of East Durham Children’s Initiative, to revitalize neighborhood without displacing residents: http://bit.ly/WF9XPC.
“Weighty” economic development issue: North Carolina adults are 14th fattest in US, and youth are worse at 12th. http://bit.ly/12pYz1V.
Dueling information on Charlotte stadium. Sports economist says that the economic impact of the stadium is about the same as a shopping mall and “We don’t usually subsidize malls.” http://bit.ly/XeaKe5. On the other hand, University of South Carolina report says that pro football team directly contributes 4,415 jobs & creates $361.5 million annually. http://bit.ly/XeaKe5.
Electric vehicle manufacturing and Charlotte’s light rail help propel North Carolina to #2 in clean energy jobs: http://bit.ly/10haWMp.
Kinston’s promise neighborhood, http://bit.ly/Z3T7JV, is building momentum, http://bit.ly/Z3T5By.
USDA report on role of local food hubs: http://1.usa.gov/XvF0xw.
Joe Minicozzi’s case for downtown development: http://youtu.be/zLRMSnWFKZg.
Debate over tax exempt bond financing for economic development. NY Times article: http://nyti.ms/ZlFoyN , CDFA rebuttal: http://bit.ly/YQWWBW.
The Best Performing Cities in 2012: http://bit.ly/14u76fx.
Florida to cut economic development funding? http://bit.ly/ZO48Bs.
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