What @sog_ced is reading on the web: February 2015By CED News and Social MediaPublished February 27, 2015
Economic development incentives in North Carolina: Golden Leaf commits $50 million to attract an automobile manufacturer to North Carolina as multiple megasites take shape: http://bit.ly/1zdFaLe News & Observer op-ed on economic development incentives: http://bit.ly/192V8mD North Carolina Justice Center report says that the state’s Job Development Investment Grants program, a primary job incentives program, hasn’t delivered on its promises: http://bit.ly/1JmTpJ2 Quick primer on North Carolina General Assembly’s debate over economic development incentives: http://bit.ly/17y9WYV Report says that North Carolina has more transparency around the performance of its state economic development incentives compared to South Carolina: http://bit.ly/1FT9KCE Items of interest related to CED in North Carolina: Charlotte Observer interview with Chris Chung, head of North Carolina’s new public-private Economic Development Partnership: http://bit.ly/1ClOST3 UNC-Chapel Hill creates a new position to help drive economic development through research: http://bit.ly/1zNj1dK Governor McCrory pushes restoration of the state historic preservation tax credit: http://bit.ly/1Dr5l5h Article describes the history and debate over state historic preservation tax credits: http://bit.ly/1CXLexA NC-APA releases finalists for its Great Places in North Carolina awards: http://apa-nc.org/programs/great-places-nc/ Bloomberg Business analysis of Charlotte’s NASCAR Hall of Fame in light of lower-than-anticipated attendance: http://bloom.bg/1uHjegd Opinion piece and analysis of the two competing crowdfunding bills in North Carolina: http://bit.ly/1uHmb0h Conservative estimate of the economic impact of North Carolina’s universities and colleges: $63.5 billion is 14.6% of gross state product: http://bit.ly/1vjIXeX Other CED items: Rooflines blog post on the catalytic potential of closed neighborhood schools for community development: http://bit.ly/1CVNvsV Auburn University’s Rural Studio will soon release architectural plans for its efficient, affordable $20,000 home: http://trib.al/kpTT6rG New report shows that investments in narrowing education achievement gaps would increase economic growth and raise government revenues: http://bit.ly/1AiVr92 Wall Street Journal reports that corporate tax incentive programs fuel state budget deficits: http://on.wsj.com/1Cl6EDA Washington Post report outlines debate over market-based strategies to create affordable housing: http://wapo.st/173qQyt Where advanced industry jobs are and why they’re crucial to economic growth: http://bit.ly/16hlyzl Last month’s edition of “What @sog_ced is reading….” http://ced.sog.unc.edu/what-sog_ced-is-reading-on-the-web-january-2015/ Compiled by Marcia Perritt |
Published February 27, 2015 By CED News and Social Media
The following are articles and reports on the web that the Community and Economic Development Program at the UNC School of Government shared through social media over the past month. Follow us on twitter or facebook to receive regular updates.
Economic development incentives in North Carolina:
Golden Leaf commits $50 million to attract an automobile manufacturer to North Carolina as multiple megasites take shape: http://bit.ly/1zdFaLe
News & Observer op-ed on economic development incentives: http://bit.ly/192V8mD
North Carolina Justice Center report says that the state’s Job Development Investment Grants program, a primary job incentives program, hasn’t delivered on its promises: http://bit.ly/1JmTpJ2
Quick primer on North Carolina General Assembly’s debate over economic development incentives: http://bit.ly/17y9WYV
Report says that North Carolina has more transparency around the performance of its state economic development incentives compared to South Carolina: http://bit.ly/1FT9KCE
Items of interest related to CED in North Carolina:
Charlotte Observer interview with Chris Chung, head of North Carolina’s new public-private Economic Development Partnership: http://bit.ly/1ClOST3
UNC-Chapel Hill creates a new position to help drive economic development through research: http://bit.ly/1zNj1dK
Governor McCrory pushes restoration of the state historic preservation tax credit: http://bit.ly/1Dr5l5h
Article describes the history and debate over state historic preservation tax credits: http://bit.ly/1CXLexA
NC-APA releases finalists for its Great Places in North Carolina awards: http://apa-nc.org/programs/great-places-nc/
Bloomberg Business analysis of Charlotte’s NASCAR Hall of Fame in light of lower-than-anticipated attendance: http://bloom.bg/1uHjegd
Opinion piece and analysis of the two competing crowdfunding bills in North Carolina: http://bit.ly/1uHmb0h
Conservative estimate of the economic impact of North Carolina’s universities and colleges: $63.5 billion is 14.6% of gross state product: http://bit.ly/1vjIXeX
Other CED items:
Rooflines blog post on the catalytic potential of closed neighborhood schools for community development: http://bit.ly/1CVNvsV
Auburn University’s Rural Studio will soon release architectural plans for its efficient, affordable $20,000 home: http://trib.al/kpTT6rG
New report shows that investments in narrowing education achievement gaps would increase economic growth and raise government revenues: http://bit.ly/1AiVr92
Wall Street Journal reports that corporate tax incentive programs fuel state budget deficits: http://on.wsj.com/1Cl6EDA
Washington Post report outlines debate over market-based strategies to create affordable housing: http://wapo.st/173qQyt
Where advanced industry jobs are and why they’re crucial to economic growth: http://bit.ly/16hlyzl
Last month’s edition of “What @sog_ced is reading….” http://ced.sog.unc.edu/what-sog_ced-is-reading-on-the-web-january-2015/
Compiled by Marcia Perritt
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