What @sog_ced is reading online: December 2020By CED News and Social MediaPublished December 18, 2020
NC Department of Commerce released new county development tier rankings for 2021; 22 counties will change rankings. https://bit.ly/2KzJmbF Other CED items: Freddie Mac releases white paper on Low Income Housing Tax Credit properties in rural persistent poverty counties, where the majority of rental housing is single-family. https://bit.ly/3mwzI6X DFI Online Morrisville, NC, with DFI’s assistance, is seeking a development partner to realize its Town Center vision. https://bit.ly/3aoTMW8 A look at UNC DFI’s work on development of the Wake Forest Business & Technology Park. https://bit.ly/3gYE8SN West Southern Pines revitalization project with DFI takes shape. https://bit.ly/38e578U Last month’s edition of “What @sog_ced is reading….” November 2020 Compiled by Sara Cockerham |
Published December 18, 2020 By CED News and Social Media
The following are articles and reports on the web that the Community and Economic Development Program at the UNC School of Government shared through social media over the past month. Follow us on twitter or facebook to receive regular updates.
Items of interest related to CED in North Carolina:
NC Department of Commerce released new county development tier rankings for 2021; 22 counties will change rankings. https://bit.ly/2KzJmbF
Other CED items:
Freddie Mac releases white paper on Low Income Housing Tax Credit properties in rural persistent poverty counties, where the majority of rental housing is single-family. https://bit.ly/3mwzI6X
DFI Online
Morrisville, NC, with DFI’s assistance, is seeking a development partner to realize its Town Center vision. https://bit.ly/3aoTMW8
A look at UNC DFI’s work on development of the Wake Forest Business & Technology Park. https://bit.ly/3gYE8SN
West Southern Pines revitalization project with DFI takes shape. https://bit.ly/38e578U
Last month’s edition of “What @sog_ced is reading….” November 2020
Compiled by Sara Cockerham
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