What @sog_ced is reading online: February 2021By CED News and Social MediaPublished February 26, 2021
Items of interest related to CED in North Carolina: Charlotte Housing Impact Fund invests in NOAH with for-profit returns of 8% in a hot market where returns typically higher. Government subsidy for low income renters. After 20 year affordable housing restrictions expire, 60% of profits from sale go into more affordable housing. https://bit.ly/3kodJQ4 Other CED items: Three years after federal Opportunity Zones are enacted to encourage investment in distressed areas, analysis by Novogradac shows very little investment in operating business with jobs. Most of the tax benefits are going to real estate investors. https://bit.ly/3bJ5OZv DFI Online UNC DFI advises Siler City on the best redevelopment option after evaluating three contaminated brownfield sites. https://bit.ly/3r2rgPU The S-Line commuter train rail could help encourage redevelopment in East Sanford, a historic neighborhood next to downtown. UNC DFI assisted the city with developing a neighborhood revitalization strategy. https://bit.ly/3b1Zopz Summary of UNC DFI presentation on development opportunities for brownfield sites in Siler City https://bit.ly/2ZW2vst Last month’s edition of “What @sog_ced is reading….” January 2021 Compiled by Sara Cockerham |
Published February 26, 2021 By CED News and Social Media
The following are articles and reports on the web that the Community and Economic Development Program at the UNC School of Government shared through social media over the past month. Follow us on twitter or facebook to receive regular updates.
Items of interest related to CED in North Carolina:
Charlotte Housing Impact Fund invests in NOAH with for-profit returns of 8% in a hot market where returns typically higher. Government subsidy for low income renters. After 20 year affordable housing restrictions expire, 60% of profits from sale go into more affordable housing. https://bit.ly/3kodJQ4
Other CED items:
Three years after federal Opportunity Zones are enacted to encourage investment in distressed areas, analysis by Novogradac shows very little investment in operating business with jobs. Most of the tax benefits are going to real estate investors. https://bit.ly/3bJ5OZv
DFI Online
UNC DFI advises Siler City on the best redevelopment option after evaluating three contaminated brownfield sites. https://bit.ly/3r2rgPU
The S-Line commuter train rail could help encourage redevelopment in East Sanford, a historic neighborhood next to downtown. UNC DFI assisted the city with developing a neighborhood revitalization strategy. https://bit.ly/3b1Zopz
Summary of UNC DFI presentation on development opportunities for brownfield sites in Siler City https://bit.ly/2ZW2vst
Last month’s edition of “What @sog_ced is reading….” January 2021
Compiled by Sara Cockerham
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