What @sog_ced is reading on the web: July 2014By CED News and Social MediaPublished July 31, 2014
North Carolina General Assembly updates: Extension of state historic rehabilitation tax credits added to technical corrections of Bill S763 – will it be enacted? http://bit.ly/1xF0tpf New North Carolina budget could impact state historic preservation tax credits: http://bit.ly/1rP3LYM North Carolina crowdfunding bill passes another legislative hurdle: http://bit.ly/1tk55k2 News related to North Carolina’s new public-private economic development unit: Gaston County ponders its future relationship with the newly established public-private state economic development agency: http://bit.ly/1wnYLrT Regional partnerships adjusting quickly to new privatized North Carolina economic development unit: http://bit.ly/1qlVTKf Orange County opts not to renew financial support of the Research Triangle Regional Partnership in anticipation of the new public-private Economic Development Partnership: http://bit.ly/TCBOV5 Items of interest related to CED in North Carolina: Duke Energy debt buy out deal will likely have a positive impact on eastern North Carolina communities suffering from higher-than-average utility rates: http://bit.ly/1oDPlbz Carolina Alumni Review’s The Food Issue highlights the impact of UNC alumni around the state, including a former CED blog contributor: http://bit.ly/1npsAXV HUD case study describes impressive neighborhood revitalization effort in Winston-Salem, spearheaded by CDC established by Winston-Salem State University: http://bit.ly/1o0Ve23 Fayetteville program tackles substandard rental housing and code enforcement head on: http://bit.ly/1kXpBBE UNC-Chapel Hill Center for Urban & Regional Studies releases report on the most economically distressed areas in the state. East Kinston ranks first, although majority of tracts are in urban areas: http://bit.ly/1AD3nPR North Carolina’s population is surging, especially in urban areas: http://bit.ly/1kas4sa Other CED items: Incubator farms nurture agricultural entrepreneurs: http://bit.ly/1tkzHVx International Economic Development Council releases report outlining best practices in addressing neighborhood vacancy and blight: http://bit.ly/1sm6gBV Bridge Housing releases guide on community building efforts in neighborhoods affected by trauma, such as lack of trust, highly vulnerable populations, and a history of disempowerment: http://bit.ly/1qcT2re Kaufman Foundation report evaluates firm-specific location incentives and finds that companies moving from state to state doesn’t help the economy: thesupportcenter-nc.org/?p=4132 Achieving Lasting Affordability through Inclusionary Housing – working paper released by the Lincoln Institute: http://bit.ly/1qAgpXx “Vacant-house fakery” (using artistic measures to camouflage vacancy) gains popularity as a tool to fight blight: http://trib.in/1oGEJpt New research shows how regulations meant to protect independent retailers from big-box stores may actually backfire: http://hbs.me/1jrPqPx Michigan-based partnership unveils crowdfunding program focused on public projects: http://bit.ly/1qP3i8t Chicago’s vacant lot program provides parcels for $1 to neighboring landowners in the hopes of sparking renewal in some of the city’s most blighted areas: http://n.pr/1wBaOnB New Kresge Foundation initiative will fund climate-resilience efforts that reflect needs and interests of low-income people: http://bit.ly/1z5rbLf Last month’s edition of “What @sog_ced is reading….” http://bit.ly/1qsAizq Compiled by Marcia Perritt |
Published July 31, 2014 By CED News and Social Media
The following are articles and reports on the web that the Community and Economic Development Program at the UNC School of Government shared through social media over the past month. Follow us on twitter or facebook to receive regular updates.
North Carolina General Assembly updates:
Extension of state historic rehabilitation tax credits added to technical corrections of Bill S763 – will it be enacted? http://bit.ly/1xF0tpf
New North Carolina budget could impact state historic preservation tax credits: http://bit.ly/1rP3LYM
North Carolina crowdfunding bill passes another legislative hurdle: http://bit.ly/1tk55k2
News related to North Carolina’s new public-private economic development unit:
Gaston County ponders its future relationship with the newly established public-private state economic development agency: http://bit.ly/1wnYLrT
Regional partnerships adjusting quickly to new privatized North Carolina economic development unit: http://bit.ly/1qlVTKf
Orange County opts not to renew financial support of the Research Triangle Regional Partnership in anticipation of the new public-private Economic Development Partnership: http://bit.ly/TCBOV5
Items of interest related to CED in North Carolina:
Duke Energy debt buy out deal will likely have a positive impact on eastern North Carolina communities suffering from higher-than-average utility rates: http://bit.ly/1oDPlbz
Carolina Alumni Review’s The Food Issue highlights the impact of UNC alumni around the state, including a former CED blog contributor: http://bit.ly/1npsAXV
HUD case study describes impressive neighborhood revitalization effort in Winston-Salem, spearheaded by CDC established by Winston-Salem State University: http://bit.ly/1o0Ve23
Fayetteville program tackles substandard rental housing and code enforcement head on: http://bit.ly/1kXpBBE
UNC-Chapel Hill Center for Urban & Regional Studies releases report on the most economically distressed areas in the state. East Kinston ranks first, although majority of tracts are in urban areas: http://bit.ly/1AD3nPR
North Carolina’s population is surging, especially in urban areas: http://bit.ly/1kas4sa
Other CED items:
Incubator farms nurture agricultural entrepreneurs: http://bit.ly/1tkzHVx
International Economic Development Council releases report outlining best practices in addressing neighborhood vacancy and blight: http://bit.ly/1sm6gBV
Bridge Housing releases guide on community building efforts in neighborhoods affected by trauma, such as lack of trust, highly vulnerable populations, and a history of disempowerment: http://bit.ly/1qcT2re
Kaufman Foundation report evaluates firm-specific location incentives and finds that companies moving from state to state doesn’t help the economy: thesupportcenter-nc.org/?p=4132
Achieving Lasting Affordability through Inclusionary Housing – working paper released by the Lincoln Institute: http://bit.ly/1qAgpXx
“Vacant-house fakery” (using artistic measures to camouflage vacancy) gains popularity as a tool to fight blight: http://trib.in/1oGEJpt
New research shows how regulations meant to protect independent retailers from big-box stores may actually backfire: http://hbs.me/1jrPqPx
Michigan-based partnership unveils crowdfunding program focused on public projects: http://bit.ly/1qP3i8t
Chicago’s vacant lot program provides parcels for $1 to neighboring landowners in the hopes of sparking renewal in some of the city’s most blighted areas: http://n.pr/1wBaOnB
New Kresge Foundation initiative will fund climate-resilience efforts that reflect needs and interests of low-income people: http://bit.ly/1z5rbLf
Last month’s edition of “What @sog_ced is reading….” http://bit.ly/1qsAizq
Compiled by Marcia Perritt
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