What @sog_ced is reading online: October 2019By CED News and Social MediaPublished October 31, 2019
Items of interest related to CED in North Carolina: International Economic Development training course will focus on workforce development strategies in November in Chapel Hill: http://bit.ly/33aeuD2 Other CED items: Brutally honest Opportunity Zone article written for investors: bit.ly/2AJkwOj . “Though there are 8,764 opportunity zones, most won’t see a dime. Deals must make money, and most neighborhoods can’t support rents that justify new construction.” USFS research on heirs’ property (property passed down to multiple family members who own property jointly) and its connection to poverty across the South. bit.ly/2nPEXpZ Good advice on how to focus on needed revitalization when someone raises the issue of gentrification even though it isn’t applicable to the neighborhood. Summarizes practical tips from session at Center for Community Progress’ vacant and abandoned housing conference: http://bit.ly/31Tj8n9 Tar Heel Bus Tour visits Kannapolis, NC to learn about DFI’s work with the City to redevelop its entire downtown–an historic effort. http://bit.ly/34jsJWc Last month’s edition of “What @sog_ced is reading….” https://ced.sog.unc.edu/what-sog_ced-is-reading-online-september-2019/ Compiled by Marcia Perritt |
Published October 31, 2019 By CED News and Social Media
The following are articles and reports on the web that the Community and Economic Development Program at the UNC School of Government shared through social media over the past month. Follow us on twitter or facebook to receive regular updates.
Items of interest related to CED in North Carolina:
International Economic Development training course will focus on workforce development strategies in November in Chapel Hill: http://bit.ly/33aeuD2
Other CED items:
Brutally honest Opportunity Zone article written for investors: bit.ly/2AJkwOj . “Though there are 8,764 opportunity zones, most won’t see a dime. Deals must make money, and most neighborhoods can’t support rents that justify new construction.”
USFS research on heirs’ property (property passed down to multiple family members who own property jointly) and its connection to poverty across the South. bit.ly/2nPEXpZ
Good advice on how to focus on needed revitalization when someone raises the issue of gentrification even though it isn’t applicable to the neighborhood. Summarizes practical tips from session at Center for Community Progress’ vacant and abandoned housing conference: http://bit.ly/31Tj8n9
Tar Heel Bus Tour visits Kannapolis, NC to learn about DFI’s work with the City to redevelop its entire downtown–an historic effort. http://bit.ly/34jsJWc
Last month’s edition of “What @sog_ced is reading….” https://ced.sog.unc.edu/what-sog_ced-is-reading-online-september-2019/
Compiled by Marcia Perritt
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