What @sog_ced is reading online: November 2023By CED News and Social MediaPublished December 1, 2023
Items of interest related to CED in North Carolina: NY Times article on the tensions between growth and hurricanes in the Coastal Carolinas: for every home bought out in NC between 1996-2017, more than 10 new ones were built in the state’s floodplains. https://bit.ly/49L7ajR NC’s Industrial Megasite Readiness Program releases initial guidance for public comment. Embedded report identifies sites in Brunswick, Cumberland, Edgecombe, Nash, Pitt, Rowan, and Wilson counties. https://bit.ly/47B8eFu DFI in the news: The City of Shelby, with support from UNC DFI, is seeking a development partner to return the historic Hotel Charles to its former use as a boutique hotel in downtown. Solicitation is live and available here: cityofshelby.com/about/hotel-ch Other CED Items: HUD’s research office describes a recent Canadian approach to increasing the supply of housing to address affordability challenges. bit.ly/3sBeDBa By 2040 the # of households headed by 80+ year olds will double but we don’t have the right housing. Fewer than 4% of homes have three key features of accessible housing: single-floor living, no-step entries, and wide hallways and doorways. Harvard report: https://bit.ly/415eNxp Last month’s edition of “What @sog_ced is reading….” https://ced.sog.unc.edu/2023/09/what-sog_ced-is-reading-online-october-2023/We’ll be taking a break for the holidays and will send our next “”What @sog_ced is reading” at the end of January. Happy holidays! |
Published December 1, 2023 By CED News and Social Media
The following are articles and reports on the web that the Community and Economic Development Program at the UNC School of Government shared through social media over the past month. Follow us on twitter or facebook to receive regular updates.
Items of interest related to CED in North Carolina:
NY Times article on the tensions between growth and hurricanes in the Coastal Carolinas: for every home bought out in NC between 1996-2017, more than 10 new ones were built in the state’s floodplains. https://bit.ly/49L7ajR
NC’s Industrial Megasite Readiness Program releases initial guidance for public comment. Embedded report identifies sites in Brunswick, Cumberland, Edgecombe, Nash, Pitt, Rowan, and Wilson counties. https://bit.ly/47B8eFu
DFI in the news:
The City of Shelby, with support from UNC DFI, is seeking a development partner to return the historic Hotel Charles to its former use as a boutique hotel in downtown. Solicitation is live and available here: cityofshelby.com/about/hotel-ch
Other CED Items:
HUD’s research office describes a recent Canadian approach to increasing the supply of housing to address affordability challenges. bit.ly/3sBeDBa
By 2040 the # of households headed by 80+ year olds will double but we don’t have the right housing. Fewer than 4% of homes have three key features of accessible housing: single-floor living, no-step entries, and wide hallways and doorways. Harvard report: https://bit.ly/415eNxp
Last month’s edition of “What @sog_ced is reading….” https://ced.sog.unc.edu/2023/09/what-sog_ced-is-reading-online-october-2023/
We’ll be taking a break for the holidays and will send our next “”What @sog_ced is reading” at the end of January. Happy holidays!
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