What @sog_ced is reading online: March 2024By CED News and Social MediaPublished April 2, 2024
Items of interest related to CED in North Carolina: N.C. Department of Commerce announces new grants to improve publicly-owned buildings and facilities in rural downtowns. bit.ly/49Doy9P Wondering what average rents are in your county? What percentage of people need health insurance? How employment has changed over the past four years? Look up all this data (and more) in the NC Budget & Tax Center’s 2024 Economic County Snapshots tool: ncbudget.org/2024-economic- The exceptional growth in business applications has been evident across all 100 counties in North Carolina. To learn more read NC Department of Commerce’s recently released LEAD Feed article: commerce.nc.gov/news/the-lead- What do biotech, professional business services, and yarn production companies have in common? They all canceled incentive contracts with the State of North Carolina, bringing the total canceled in 2024 to more than a dozen. https://bit.ly/3TSXNZv DFI in the news: UNC DFI is proud to have helped make an affordable apartment community in downtown Rocky Mount reality, just opened (and fully leased) with partners NCORR, City of Rocky Mount, and developer Woda Cooper: https://bit.ly/48Vh1lx Reporting on the Kesler Mill development project. The Development Finance Initiative (DFI) is advising the City of Salisbury NC on how to redevelop the 12-acre brownfields site into new affordable housing. https://bit.ly/3VqnVMu Last month’s edition of “What @sog_ced is reading….” https://ced.sog.unc.edu/2024/03/what-sog_ced-is-reading-online-february-2024/ |
Published April 2, 2024 By CED News and Social Media
The following are articles and reports on the web that the Community and Economic Development Program at the UNC School of Government shared through social media over the past month. Follow us on twitter or facebook to receive regular updates.
Items of interest related to CED in North Carolina:
N.C. Department of Commerce announces new grants to improve publicly-owned buildings and facilities in rural downtowns. bit.ly/49Doy9P
Wondering what average rents are in your county? What percentage of people need health insurance? How employment has changed over the past four years? Look up all this data (and more) in the NC Budget & Tax Center’s 2024 Economic County Snapshots tool: ncbudget.org/2024-economic-
The exceptional growth in business applications has been evident across all 100 counties in North Carolina. To learn more read NC Department of Commerce’s recently released LEAD Feed article: commerce.nc.gov/news/the-lead-
What do biotech, professional business services, and yarn production companies have in common? They all canceled incentive contracts with the State of North Carolina, bringing the total canceled in 2024 to more than a dozen. https://bit.ly/3TSXNZv
DFI in the news:
UNC DFI is proud to have helped make an affordable apartment community in downtown Rocky Mount reality, just opened (and fully leased) with partners NCORR, City of Rocky Mount, and developer Woda Cooper: https://bit.ly/48Vh1lx
Reporting on the Kesler Mill development project. The Development Finance Initiative (DFI) is advising the City of Salisbury NC on how to redevelop the 12-acre brownfields site into new affordable housing. https://bit.ly/3VqnVMu
Last month’s edition of “What @sog_ced is reading….” https://ced.sog.unc.edu/2024/03/what-sog_ced-is-reading-online-february-2024/
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