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Student Corner: Self-Driving Cars and the Changing Real Estate Market

January 4, 2018

In a world where technology seems to be advancing exponentially, very few advancements will manage to have the effect on real estate that the evolving transportation industry will. We have already seen how a shift towards walkability and the introduction of ride hailing services, such as Lyft and Ub … Read more

Student Corner: Electric Buses Debut in North Carolina

October 12, 2017

The days of public buses pulling away from a bus stop with the loud growl of a diesel engine and a cloud of black smoke could become a thing of the past.  The company Proterra makes fully electric buses, and North Carolina will soon see four of these buses hit their streets.  The governing board for … Read more

Student Corner: Courting Locally: The Economic Gardening Strategy

October 3, 2017

It is a story as old as time. The process can be exhausting in the pursuit of “the one”, and the search can go long and far. While that old story typically refers to love, the same can be said for the relationship between places and economic development. Cities across the country have continually pu … Read more

Student Corner: What’s the deal with modular construction?

September 21, 2017

In May of this year, Marriott International announced that it would ramp up the use of modular construction in its hotels. Marriott said they anticipated signing on at least 50 hotels in 2017 alone that would be primarily modular, citing that this type of construction would enable them to generate r … Read more

Student Corner: The Electric Grid of the Future

August 8, 2017

The energy landscape is changing. More and more, renewable energy plays a larger role on how we generate and consume power. Fundamental differences between traditional power generation technology and renewable sources requires an overhaul of the entire energy industry, from infrastructure to busines … Read more

Student Corner: The State of Technology in North Carolina

February 21, 2017

The North Carolina Technology Association (NCTA) recently published the 2017 State of the Technology Industry Report providing interested stakeholders an in-depth review of North Carolina’s technology industry. The following blog post will provide a snapshot of the report that is available for downl … Read more

Student Corner: Brewery Incubators On the Rise

October 27, 2016

The CED Blog has previously covered the economic development power of breweries to revitalize downtown Main Streets. And the blog recently detailed the utility and potential of retail incubators in helping aspiring entrepreneurs launch a business and establish a physical store location. And now, som … Read more

Student Corner: North Carolina Biotechnology Center Fueling Growth in NC’s Biotech Industry

May 26, 2016

In the last couple decades the biotechnology industry has seen substantial growth globally and in the United States where the industry has reached a market capitalization of over $1 trillion (EY Biotechnology Industry Report). Growth in the biotech industry has soared as well in North Carolina follo … Read more

Local Food Systems and Economic Development: What’s the Measurable Link?

April 14, 2016

There is growing interest in cultivating and supporting local food systems in North Carolina.  In previous posts, School of Government faculty member Rick Morse has addressed “Why Local Governments Should be Thinking About Local Food Systems” and examined the role of local food policy councils.  Mos … Read more

Community Food Strategies: Food System Network Building in NC

April 12, 2016

As I have written about before, I see local food organizing as a powerful community building enterprise. Because everyone eats, local food efforts literally can have an impact on entire communities. And because local food organizing touches upon all aspects of community capital (social, environmenta … Read more