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What services are available from DFI?

January 12, 2012

DFI services support implementation of local community and economic development priorities that require private investment. DFI can be thought of as an extension of a local government’s finance, planning, economic and community development departments. DFI services include: Real estate finance and s … Read more

What development finance tools can DFI help our community to implement?

January 12, 2012

The DFI team’s experience touches on a broad range of development finance tools that are designed to attract private investment into local community and economic development projects including: targeted financing/incentive programs (Tax Increment Financing (TIF), Business Improvement Districts (BIDs … Read more

Concentrated Poverty Grows Across America’s Communities

November 11, 2011

Kendra Cotton is the project director for the Community-Campus Partnership. The Brookings Institution’s Metropolitan Policy Program recently released a report outlining what has been anecdotally evident for some time now — (1) there are more poor people today than there were in 2000, and (2) poor c … Read more

2011 Data on NC Civic Engagement Released

November 8, 2011

Kelley O’Brien is the Director of the North Carolina Civic Education Consortium, a program of the School of Government and one of the five North Carolina Civic Health Index partner organizations. Last year, the NC Civic Education Consortium released the 2010 North Carolina Civic Health Index, a stud … Read more

Governor’s Small Town Competitiveness Forum #3 — Haywood County

October 14, 2011

Will Lambe is the Director of the Community & Economic Development Program and the Community-Campus Partnership. The third of three Governor’s forums on Small Town Competitiveness was held at Haywood Community College on October 6. As mentioned in a previous post, forums are an opportunity for l … Read more

Governor’s Small Town Competitiveness Forum #2 — Davidson County

October 10, 2011

Will Lambe is the Director of the Community & Economic Development Program and the Community-Campus Partnership. The second of three Governor’s forums on Small Town Competitiveness was held at Davidson-Davie Community College on September 28. As mentioned in a previous post, forums are an opport … Read more

Governor’s Small Town Competitiveness Forum — Martin County

September 30, 2011

Will Lambe is the Director of the Community & Economic Development Program and the Community-Campus Partnership. Governor Perdue is holding three forums on Small Town Competitiveness, the first of which was held at Martin County Community College on September 16. Details and agenda for the forum … Read more

A Little Creativity Goes a Long Way: Aiding Distressed Communities in Precarious Economic Times

September 9, 2011

Kendra Cotton is a Project Director with the Community-Campus Partnership Program. North Carolina’s chapter of the American Planning Association will hold its annual conference in Charlotte from October 5-7. The Community-Campus Partnership, in conjunction with the North Carolina Rural Center and th … Read more

An Information Tool for Post-Disaster Economic Recovery

September 6, 2011

Jonathan Morgan is a School of Government faculty member. North Carolina’s recent experience with Hurricane Irene focuses attention on the difficult challenge of rebuilding a local economy in the aftermath of a major natural disaster.  There has been no shortage of disasters–natural and man-made–t … Read more

A Message to Local Governments: School of Government Assistance Available

August 27, 2011

To North Carolina Local Governments Affected by Hurricane Irene: A Message from Senior Associate Dean Tom Thornburg The School of Government wishes to make you aware of expertise among our faculty and staff that may be valuable to you in the aftermath of Hurricane Irene. Below are topics that we bel … Read more