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Student Corner: NC STEM Community Collaborative Update

December 7, 2009

Adam Parker is a Masters Student of Public Administration and a graduate student assistant working with Lenoir County. After months of collaboration across business, government, and education, the Lenoir County Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) Design Team presented a plan of action … Read more

Student Corner: Kinston in Pictures

December 7, 2009

Adam Parker is a Masters Student of Public Administration and a graduate student assistant working with Lenoir County. After giving a brief tour of Kinston to UNC faculty during a recent visit, Tyler Mulligan requested some photographs to give a sense of community assets and potential assets. After … Read more

Student Corner: Yanceyville Plans for Pedestrian Improvements

December 5, 2009

Kate Pearce is a graduate student assistant working in Caswell County. The Town Council of Yanceyville passed a resolution on November 10, 2009 recommending pursuit of a NC DOT Bicycle and Pedestrian Planning Grant.  If awarded the grant would provide $20,000 from DOT matched with $5,000 from the To … Read more

Kendra Cotton joins Community-Campus Partnership as Project Director

December 2, 2009

Will Lambe is the Director of the Community-Campus Partnership and Associate Director for the Community & Economic Development Program. Kendra Cotton has joined the School of Government as a Project Director with the Community-Campus Partnership (CCP). Kendra is not new to UNC Chapel Hill. She i … Read more

Student Corner: Working to Better Understand Community Perspectives in Caswell County

November 25, 2009

Peter Balvanz, Erica Lane, and Alyssa Roberts are a team of graduate students from the Gilling’s School of Public Health, Health Behavior and Health Education Program at UNC Chapel Hill. Knowing that the greatest experts of a county are its community members, we are in the process of interviewing a … Read more

Increasing unemployment in time-lapse

November 24, 2009

Will Lambe is the Director of the Community-Campus Partnership and the Associate Director for the Community & Economic Development Program. This map has been linked all over the blogosphere today, but if you haven’t seen it yet, definitely worth a look. Will Lambe authored the NC Rural Center re … Read more

Student Corner: Eastern NC Trail is a State Funding Priority

November 16, 2009

Paul Winn is a Masters Student of City and Regional Planning and a graduate student assistant working with Lenoir County. A conceptual plan for the Mountains-to-Sea Trail (MST) of Eastern North Carolina was produced in 2004 by the Department of Environment and Natural Resources in partnership with G … Read more

Jesse White Op-Ed in N&O

November 11, 2009

Will Lambe is the Director of the Community-Campus Partnership and Associate Director for the Community & Economic Development Program. Jesse White, Director of the UNC Office for Economic and Business Development, has a compelling anti-incentive op-ed in the N&O today. Will Lambe authored t … Read more

Jason Jolley makes presentation to Caswell County Commissioners

November 10, 2009

Will Lambe is the Director of the Community-Campus Partnership and Associate Director for the Community & Economic Development Program. On Monday, November 2, Jason Jolley from the UNC Center for Competitive Economies at the Kenan Institute made a presentation on economic development to the Casw … Read more

Student Corner: Community Campus Connections

November 2, 2009

Kate Pearce is a graduate student assistant working in Caswell County. Over the past couple of months I have attended a couple of presentations to various campus working groups on the Community Campus Partnership.  Through this “road show” I have met a number of faculty and staff interested in becom … Read more