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Student Corner: Rural Planning in Caswell County: Field Trip Nov. 13

November 2, 2009

Kate Pearce is a graduate student assistant working in Caswell County. Friday, November 13 students from the Department of City and Regional Planning will travel to Caswell County for a crash course in rural planning. The day’s agenda will include a talk on rural town planning issues and local gover … Read more

Student Corner: CCP, Lenoir County Project Update: Methane Capture, STEM, and the Beech Center

November 2, 2009

Adam Parker is a graduate student assistant working in Lenoir County. The following post provides an update on three CCP initiatives in Lenoir County: (1) a potential methane gas capture facility at the county landfill, (2) Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math Education, (3) a vision and plan … Read more

Student Corner: The Yanceyville Artisans’ Gallery is Moving Right Along!

October 28, 2009

Kate Mulvaney is a graduate student assistant working in Caswell County. The Yanceyville Artisans’ Gallery is moving right along!  This post will discuss the progress of the Artisans’ Gallery over the last few weeks. The Gallery chose its downtown location and renovations are currently being made by … Read more

Health Professions Data — Caswell County

October 27, 2009

The Sheps Center at UNC just released the 2008 data book on health professions in North Carolina. According to the Sheps data, Caswell County has 8 physicians, 6 of whom practice family medicine and 2 are internal medicine specialists. There are 3.4 physicials per 10,000 population (NC average is 21 … Read more

Caswell & Lenoir Counties — college advising?

October 20, 2009

The Carolina College Advising Corps helps low-income, first-generation, and underrepresented students find their way to college. By placing recent UNC-Chapel Hill graduates as advisers in high schools across North Carolina, the Corps helps students plan their college searches, complete admissions an … Read more

Student Corner: STEM Hub, Class Visit, UNC-Best Involvement

October 16, 2009

Adam Parker is a graduate student assistant working in Lenoir County. The last two weeks have been full of activity in Lenoir County. This post will discuss the progress of the STEM team over two meetings, the involvement of UNC-Best in the NCSTEM project, and a class visit from the UNC Economics de … Read more

White House memo on “place-based” policies for development

October 15, 2009

On August 11, Peter Orszag and others from the President’s budget/economics team released a memo to all executive agencies and departments entitled “Developing Effective Place-Based Policies for the FY 2011 Budget.” The memo asks agency and department heads to identify three to five programs that sh … Read more

Student Corner: Yanceyville: Gatewood and Town Council Get Remodeled

October 8, 2009

The following update is related to the Town of Yanceyville’s move into the Municipal Building, a former textile mill. As one of the three interns in Caswell County this past summer, I was fortunately in a position to help facilitate the Town of Yanceyville’s move into the former Royal Hosiery Mill. … Read more

Student Corner: Film Industry in Caswell County

October 7, 2009

In Yanceyville and Caswell County exists a unique capacity to produce and distribute film.  Surprisingly, the small rural community is home to two amenities that could become an economic engine for the area. The first is the Film, Video and Digital Animation program at the Yanceyville Campus of the … Read more

North Carolina Rising

October 5, 2009

North Carolina Rising is a year-long project by UNC-TV, funded by the Golden LEAF Foundation.  The project has examined “success stories” of rural NC communities that were once dependent on agriculture but are now transitioning to other areas of economic development.  There have been 12 segments tha … Read more