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Student Corner: How Counties Organize to Carry Out Economic Development (part III)

July 20, 2012

This is the third in a series of posts to illustrate different ways that counties in NC organize to carry out economic development activities (links to parts I and II). Each post will profile a different county’s economic development entity, including its structure, funding, staffing and reporting r … Read more

Who is an owner “of record” to be served with complaints and orders under NC minimum housing codes?

June 19, 2012

John Spartan serves as the senior housing code official for the town of San Angeles, NC, where he recently presided over his 100th minimum housing hearing. He has overseen the repair or removal of many unfit homes over the years, and he is careful to ensure that his town’s minimum housing code keeps … Read more

Declining Local Government Resources in NC: Is it really THAT bad?

June 14, 2012

The Pew Center on the States’ American Cities Project recently published a report that illustrates where North Carolina falls in comparison to other states in dealing with the “one-two punch” of the simultaneous decline of state aid and property taxes, which “together account for more than half of l … Read more

Student Corner: How Counties Organize to Carry Out Economic Development (part II)

June 7, 2012

This is the second in a series of posts to illustrate different ways that counties in NC organize to carry out economic development activities (introduction to the series here). Each post will profile a different county’s economic development entity, including its structure, funding, staffing and re … Read more

‘Getting Ahead’ in North Carolina May Be Harder Than You Think

May 31, 2012

Three weeks ago, the Pew Center on the States’ Economic Mobility Project released the findings of the first 50 state analysis of American’s economic mobility, i.e. citizens’ ability to move freely up and down the earnings ladder. North Carolina, along with five of its southern counterparts — AL, FL … Read more

Funding Projects in a Business Improvement District: Does Everyone Have to Benefit?

May 29, 2012

A city establishes a business improvement district (BID) in its central downtown area. The central downtown area encompasses the properties located along approximately one mile of the city’s main street. It also includes the properties on adjoining and parallel streets located within a five-block ra … Read more

Property Tax Breaks for Farms in NC: A Development Tool in Need of Reform?

May 8, 2012

$200 million. That’s the estimated property tax revenue North Carolina’s 100 counties defer each year under the state’s present-use value (“PUV”) property tax exclusion program for farms and other favored properties. And by “defer,” I really mean “lose,” because most of those deferred PUV taxes will … Read more

What Works in Evaluating State Economic Development Incentives?

May 1, 2012

Jonathan Morgan is a School of Government faculty member. The Pew Center on the States recently released a report that gives North Carolina high marks for its approach to evaluating the tax incentives offered to businesses in order to promote economic development. What accounts for North Carolina’s … Read more

What can Four Dollars Get You? Quite A Bit if You Use it in the Right Way!

April 24, 2012

Jeff Hughes is a Director of the School of Government’s Environmental Finance Center and a School of Government Faculty Member Four dollars happens to be about the price of a gallon of gasoline these days, but it’s also what each student at University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill pays each semes … Read more

UNC Partnerships with Tier I Counties (Part VI): Health Care Careers in Eastern, NC

April 19, 2012

Will Lambe is the Director of the Community & Economic Development Program and the Community-Campus Partnership. As described in parts I, II, III, IV and V of this series, UNC Chapel Hill faculty, staff and students are engaged in creative partnerships with Tier I counties across North Carolina. … Read more