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Student Corner: Building Reuse on Hold

September 3, 2010

Matt Dudek is a graduate student in the UNC Department of City and Regional Planning, the School of Government, and a CERC intern working with the Cape Fear Council of Governments. [Due to the potentially delicate nature of negotiations and unannounced plans, this blog post will talk about a situati … Read more

Student Corner: Revolving Loan Fund Activities Continue to Run Their Course in Vance County

September 2, 2010

Kendra Jensen is a UNC-Chapel Hill graduate student pursuing a master’s degree in Public Administration. She is currently working with the Kerr-Tar Council of Governments through the Carolina Economic Revitalization Corps (CERC) Late last month, master barber and Vance County resident and business o … Read more

Using Utility Rates as an Economic Development Incentive Tool

August 31, 2010

Kara Millonzi is a School of Government faculty member. A county (or municipality) is trying to attract two different commercial entities to locate within the unit. The first is a retail development complex which would be similar in size and function to existing retail development within the unit (A … Read more

Student Corner: Greater Kinston Credit Union matches services to community needs

August 18, 2010

Andrew Guinn is a graduate student in UNC’s Department of City and Regional Planning and a CCP intern working in Caswell and Lenoir Counties. The Greater Kinston Credit Union was established in 1952 with the foundational goal of assisting Lenoir County’s underserved populations.  Today, almost sixty … Read more

Student Corner: Self Sustaining Enterprise Funds: Challenges and Solutions

July 21, 2010

Lindsay Moriarty is a graduate student at UNC-Chapel Hill pursuing dual masters’ degrees in Health Behavior and Health Education and City and Regional Planning.  She is currently working with the Lumber River Council of Government through the Carolina Economic Revitalization Corps (CERC). Enterprise … Read more

Student Corner: Growing Federal Support for Sustainable Communities

July 16, 2010

Aaron Nousaine is a UNC-Chapel Hill graduate student pursuing a master’s degree in City and Regional Planning. He is currently working with the Land-of-Sky Regional Council in Asheville through the Carolina Economic Revitalization Corps (CERC). Over the past year, the three federal agencies most dir … Read more

Student Corner: Innovation vs. Routine and Systems vs. Symptoms

July 8, 2010

Suzanne Julian is a UNC-Chapel Hill graduate student pursuing a master’s degree in Public Administration. She is currently working with the STEP leadership team in Pamlico County as part of the Carolina Economic Revitalization Corps program. Archbishop Helder Pessoa Camara of Brazil is purported to … Read more

Student Corner: The Economic Importance of Appalachian Highways

July 2, 2010

Over the past six months, the Appalachian Regional Commission (ARC) has released two new studies emphasizing the economic importance of the Appalachian highway system. The first study quantifies the economic impacts of two major rockslides that occurred in southwestern North Carolina and Tennessee i … Read more

Student Corner: Wastewater Funding Coordination Proves Complex for Many Local Governments

July 1, 2010

Kendra Jensen is a UNC-Chapel Hill graduate student pursuing a master’s degree in Public Administration. She is currently working with the Kerr-Tar Council of Governments through the Carolina Economic Revitalization Corps (CERC) In an earlier post, Jeff Hughes, director of the Environmental Finance … Read more

Non-Voted Debt for Economic Development Projects

June 29, 2010

Kara Millonzi is a School of Government faculty member Several governing board officials, impressed by Team USA’s recent performance during the group stage at the World Cup, suggest that the unit should capitalize on the wave of soccer-fever sweeping the nation as a means to promote economic develop … Read more