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Student Corner: Flexible Opportunities in North Carolina’s Brownfields Program

October 12, 2016

In the past the CED blog has explored the basics of brownfields programs in North Carolina, how they are administered and implemented, and their role in revitalizing communities. In this edition, we’re looking at two innovative facets of the state Brownfield’s program that were developed to better r … Read more

Student Corner: Retail Incubators and Main Street Revitalization: Part II

October 4, 2016

In Part I of this post, the CED blog introduced retail incubators and a program-based model that provides financial, educational and networking support for retail start-ups transitioning to brick-and-mortar stores. In Part II, CED examines the space-based model. Space-based retail incubators allow r … Read more

Student Corner: Library Living? Integrating a library into a mixed-use development

August 25, 2016

Would you ever want to live and shop on top of or next to your library that is part of a mixed-use development? Cities looking to catalyze on a library’s energy and flow of people could consider the development of a library as a component in a mixed-use project, which is development that integrates … Read more

Student Corner: Retail Incubators and Main Street Revitalization: Part 1

August 18, 2016

Launching a retail business in a downtown storefront is a capital and knowledge intensive endeavor. Equally, Main Streets across North Carolina and the country are struggling to retain and attract vendors, with each new empty window display threatening the economic health of the street as a whole. I … Read more

Evictions: A vicious cycle for people in poverty

August 17, 2016

Matthew Desmond has authored a scrupulously researched, stimulating and compelling book that should be of interest to everyone in the apartment industry, every low-income housing advocate, any student of American neighborhoods and every public official. Examinations of urban poverty are nothing new, … Read more

Student Corner: Hope through Housing: A Model for Addressing Pressing Community Challenges

August 4, 2016

In the Town of Carol-Blue, Donny, a local community developer, finds himself in a really tough position. Both the county and city budgets are constrained and the challenges the town face economically seem only to grow in size. After performing an analysis of senior housing demand, he realizes that t … Read more

2016 Environmental Legislation: Place Matters!

July 26, 2016

How much the last legislative session impacted environmental management in your community largely depends on where you live in the state. It was a “short” legislative session and relatively few bills were passed, but several of the bills that were passed contained significant provisions likely to im … Read more

Student Corner: A Guide to Value Added Alleys for Small Towns and Cities

July 14, 2016

Alleys, in the American context, are cramped spaces tucked behind commercial buildings that house the ancillary services businesses and households require such as trash removal, utility access, and deliveries. Glimpsed only momentarily by passing pedestrians, these spaces are often perceived as dirt … Read more

Student Corner: Finding the Hard Numbers for a Rising Problem: A Method of Calculating Demand for Affordable Senior Housing

July 7, 2016

The supply of affordable senior rental housing is a growing concern across North Carolina.  The source of this problem is linked to North Carolina’s growing senior population and a rising overall demand for affordable rental housing. As mentioned in a previous blog post, by the year 2050, according … Read more

Student Corner: The Future of Parking Decks

June 9, 2016

Could you imagine living in a 135 square foot apartment? Well, a dozen students at the Savannah College of Art and Design did just that. Along with alumni and professors, the students turned a class project into reality. Through a special use permit, students temporarily lived in these micro-units i … Read more