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Student Corner: Challenges and Opportunities in Strip Mall Redevelopment

June 2, 2016

The ubiquitous strip mall lines arterial roads in, out, and often through nearly every town and city in the United States and presents unique challenges to communities in North Carolina looking to revitalize aging commercial corridors. While big-box stores have undergone creative transformations to … Read more

Sparking Sustainability and Innovation

May 25, 2016

This April, the North Carolina Department of the State Treasurer hosted a conference on “Sparking Sustainability and Innovation: Together, Let’s Build a Stronger Future”. The conference was designed to foster discussion around how innovation and sustainability are integral to creating and maintainin … Read more

Student Corner: Embrace Your Unique Place: Asset-Based Economic Development

May 17, 2016

The White Squirrel. You may wonder what makes it white,  is it an albino or second-cousin to the common eastern grey squirrel? Did it originate in a carnival, victim of a failed science experiment, or was it simply a quirk of evolution? What does a rare breed of a common critter have to do with econ … Read more

Good News, Bad News: Water in North Carolina

April 26, 2016

There have been a lot of water issues in the news recently. Here’s a summary of a few of the stories we’ve been following that involve the important and often complicated role state government plays. Bad News. About a year ago, the NC Department of Health and Human Services advised hundreds of priva … Read more

Student Corner: Brownfields Programs as a Revitalization Tool: NC Case Studies

April 21, 2016

Last month the CED blog published an overview of Federal and State Brownfields programs and how these programs can assist in remediating and revitalizing tough-to-develop sites that  are plagued by environmental contamination. This post will provide two case examples of how the US EPA and NC Brownfi … Read more

Student Corner: How to Use Federal and State Brownfields Programs to Accomplish a Community Revitalization Project

March 29, 2016

Learning that a site for redevelopment is affected by real or perceived environmental contamination can be one of the biggest barriers to community revitalization. Brownfield sites, which are defined by the North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality as “abandoned, idled or underused properti … Read more

Student Corner: Solar Powers Economic Development in NC

March 3, 2016

The solar industry in North Carolina has grown exponentially since the state adopted its bold renewable energy policy in 2007. The combination of a 35-percent state tax credit on renewables, including solar, wind, hydroelectric and biomass, and a 30-percent federal tax credit contributed to the crea … Read more

Student Corner: Pedestrian Tunnels: Connecting People with Communities Part II

February 25, 2016

Although pedestrian tunnels are often a less visible and flashy form of crossings, they are still an important part of pedestrian safety. That said, tunnels can be exciting too! Tunnels are often out of the public’s eye and have the ability to exhibit creative freedom. Not only can a tunnel make an … Read more

The Blue Economy: Linking Water to Economic Revitalization

February 23, 2016

Over the last several decades, the economy of North Carolina has undergone major transitions. Once home to thriving tobacco, furniture, and textile industries, we’re seeing more and more emphasis on high tech solutions to modern problems. We’re now a state of leaders in technology, education, manufa … Read more

U.S. EDA Resources Help Communities Build the Local Ecosystem for Sustainable Economic Development

February 2, 2016

It takes a multitude of resources, dedicated professionals, and committed organizations to promote economic development. Successfully realizing the economic potential of a place requires doing the hard work of leveraging all existing regional assets to build the environment, or ecosystem, where busi … Read more