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Councils, Common Purpose, and Collaboration

April 8, 2014

I read a terrific blog post at Harvard Business Review (HBR) the other day about collaboration. The author explained that “purpose is collaboration’s most unacknowledged determinant.” Community collaboration has never been more important as today’s challenges are too complex and interconnected for a … Read more

Rethinking Higher Education?

March 4, 2014

There are calls from many quarters to reform higher education and make it more accessible, affordable, and relevant in the dynamic, global economy of the 21st century.  A recent study produced jointly by the Lumina Foundation and Gallup reinforces this theme.  The study reports the results from both … Read more

What We Can Learn About Community Leadership from Sir Ernest Shackleton

February 11, 2014

One of the cases I have students read in the leadership class I teach is the story of the Endurance expedition to Antarctica, led by famed polar explorer Ernest Shackleton. This story has received a tremendous amount of attention in the last several years, with several books and documentaries, a fou … Read more

A View into the Black Box of Industrial Recruitment

December 4, 2013

The process of recruiting business and industry, generally, is not well understood by individuals who are not directly involved in that activity.  The more specific site selection process that companies use to locate a new facility is even more mysterious to external observers.  A recent article pub … Read more

Tort Liability for Negligent Housing Inspection Resulting in Injury?

October 25, 2013

Like other local governments, the Town of Hapless has adopted a minimum housing code pursuant to G.S. 160A-443 (for more on minimum housing codes, see Tyler Mulligan’s book here). In March of this year the town’s inspection department received numerous complaints about the condition of four rental h … Read more

Organizing for Economic Development

September 20, 2013

A series of posts last year profiled case studies for “How Counties Organize to Carry Out Economic Development.” Links to the series can be found here (parts I, II, III, IV, and V). The fifth case profiled Union County, NC, where—at the time—local leaders were considering a new multi-jurisdictional … Read more

Green Tape in Economic Development Organizations: Creating Good Rules That People Follow

September 17, 2013

A smart rule ignored by all is as good as a dumb rule with a faithful flock. Neither gets the job done.

Preparing for the Silver Tsunami: Participatory Planning for Aging in Orange County, NC

August 2, 2013

The United States is turning gray, and that isn’t a reference to the wet weather we have seen lately. The number of older adults aged 65 and older is expected to double by the year 2050 to an estimated 88.5 million seniors. North Carolina is no exception, especially given that our state has become a … Read more

Tips for Preparing for the Next EDC or CDC Board Meeting

July 10, 2013

The county’s new economic development director pulls out the last quarterly agenda as she prepares for her first economic development commission meeting. “How”, she wonders as she looks at the last agenda, “could the commission members possibly digest new unemployment data, discuss options for a new … Read more

Try using “yes, and” in your next economic development strategy session

May 14, 2013

You are meeting with members of your economic development board and trying to make decisions about infrastructure investment to promote growth. One member wants to focus the discussion on the need to construct a new shell building, while another member wants to talk about water and sewer infrastruct … Read more