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Local Government Economic Development Powers “Clarified”

October 26, 2015

On October 20, 2015, the Governor signed Session Law (S.L.) 2015-277, placing into effect several “clarifications” to the primary economic development statute used by local governments, G.S. Chapter 158, Article 1, “The Local Development Act of 1925.” The modifications fall into three categories: fi … Read more

When May NC Local Governments Pay an Economic Development Incentive?

December 17, 2013

News outlets regularly report about the latest company that was lured to North Carolina through the payment of a cash economic development incentive by a local government and the state. Local government cash incentives often take the form of an annual cash payment to a company that is contingent on … Read more

Did the NC Supreme Court put cash economic development incentives in jeopardy?

December 18, 2012

Cash economic development incentives are widely used by local governments to induce companies to locate in their jurisdictions. A 2006 survey indicated that more than 40% of North Carolina local governments employ cash incentives for business recruitment. And yet, no statute contains language specif … Read more

Is Interstate Competition Required for Economic Development Incentives?

March 15, 2011

A company’s sole facility has been located in North Carolina for the past decade, but the company recently decided to move its facility to a new location in order to expand its operations. It has three choices: (1) move to an available facility in the same county in which it is currently located, (2 … Read more

Public Hearings for Cash Incentives: An Unwritten Rule?

September 15, 2009

North Carolina local governments frequently use cash grants as an economic development incentive to lure businesses into their respective jurisdictions. The grants are authorized under the Local Development Act, G.S. 158-7.1 et seq., but a quick read of the statutes might obscure the need for a publ … Read more