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How to Keep the Local Grocery Store Open: A Challenge for NC CED Professionals

July 18, 2023

Almost 15 years ago, a brief CED blog post highlighted several resources for supporting or attracting local grocery stores, especially ones in rural areas.  Much more recently, a CED post highlighted the various ways CED professionals interact with food systems overall. This post brings North Caroli … Read more

CED and Affordable Housing: How Does Manufactured Housing Fit In?

October 18, 2022

This headline from last week would naturally grab the attention of any CED professional: “Affordable mobile homes are disappearing in Asheville; code change could bring some back.” Housing is a basic issue for anyone interested in CED. Behind the headline are a host of issues that both foster hope i … Read more

Lessons for CED from Europe: Inclusive Communities and a New City-Run Food Pantry

October 17, 2017

The photo was eerily familiar to anyone interested in CED.  The headline from the New York Times article on September 20, just days before the German national election, read, “Merkel Says Germans ‘Never Had It Better.’ But Many Feel Left Behind.”  The accompanying photo by Gordon Welters, shown here … Read more

Asset Building and the Shrinking Middle Class

September 13, 2016

The shrinking middle class is a continuing theme in the political discourse this election season. This comes as no surprise because what it means to be middle class is at the heart of the American Dream.  As the White House Task Force on the Middle Class led by Vice President Biden noted, being midd … Read more

Live Long and Prosper: Does CED Impact How Long We Live?

April 19, 2016

I often think about ways in which local government matters in the daily lives of citizens. This month, a major study was released showing how local conditions, and community and economic development, infrastructure, and planning in particular, may have a direct impact on the most basic quality of li … Read more

Capacity Matters For CED, Part 2: News For the NC Food Industry and Farmers

January 19, 2016

Food is in the news, and CED professionals should look below the surface images and arguments to a fundamental question raised about local capacity issues important to the NC farm and food industry. In honor of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Food for All all-university 2015-2017 aca … Read more

Student Corner: USDA Rural Development Community Facilities Loan and Grant Program

October 11, 2013

In the Town of Elk Park, a rural mountainous community of 453 residents in western North Carolina, the Town Hall currently operates out of an 80-year-old single-family house. Numerous attempts to update the facility have left the building in a state of non-compliance with the Americans with Disabili … Read more

Local Food Policy Councils as Community Development Strategy

April 9, 2013

One might say that the local foods movement or “locavorism” is all the rage. We’ve done several posts here on the CED Blog about local food systems as they relate to community economic development. I posted a while ago about the local foods movement as community economic development. Sybil Tate wrot … Read more

Identifying Future Leaders in Rural Areas is a Challenge

January 10, 2013

“One-Stoplight Town Seeks Just One Mayor” is the title of an article published last month in the New York Times. The quote that would send chills down the spine of anyone who cares for their small rural community is, “Nobody wants to be the mayor.” Identifying future leaders in rural areas is a very … Read more

Investors benefit from financial planners and coaches: Can the poor do the same?

August 21, 2012

This post is part of a series that highlights approaches described in a School of Government web guide on asset-building tactics for individuals and communities on the economic margin. What if a concept that works for investors and their financial planners could be used to build the personal financi … Read more