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Student Corner: Part III: The Start Up and Co-Working Scene in North Carolina

July 19, 2018

In the final post of this three-part series (Part I and Part II can be found here and here), the CED blog will explore the economic impact of startups on North Carolina’s economy and recent trends. If Amazon were to choose the Triangle for its HQ2, it is almost hard to imagine the impact it would ha … Read more

Student Corner: Part II: The Start Up and Co-Working Scene in North Carolina

June 7, 2018

Part I of this three-part series covered the co-working concept and what additional resources business incubators can offer.  Now in part II, the CED blog will take a deep dive into three of North Carolina’s business incubators, specifically HQ Raleigh, Launch Chapel Hill, and American Underground i … Read more

Student Corner: Part I: The Start Up and Co-Working Scene in North Carolina

May 10, 2018

Hearing talk of “angel investors” looking for “unicorn companies” by grown adults sitting in a circle cross-legged on a polished concrete floor might not seem like business as usual, but this new way of doing business is quickly gaining traction. The startup community in North Carolina appears to be … Read more

Which Types of Businesses Drive Job Creation?

October 19, 2010

Jonathan Morgan is a School of Government faculty member. A widely cited statistic that is generally accepted at face value is that anywhere from 60 to 80 percent of new jobs are created by small and/or existing firms.  What is the basis for this information?  Is this a well-established fact or mere … Read more