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Student Corner: USDA Programs Boosting Access to Local, Fresh Foods Across North Carolina

June 23, 2016

The role of local food systems in supporting community and economic development is a topic that has received significant coverage on the CED blog. Blog contributor and SOG faculty member Rick Morse has covered this topic extensively on this blog, sharing strategies to promote local food initiatives, … Read more

New Western NC Food Policy Council Sets the Table for Community Economic Development

October 16, 2012

Food is connecting communities to each other in new ways in western North Carolina. Last spring, Western Carolina University (WCU) held a forum on the causes and consequences of poverty in western North Carolina.  The result was the new Western NC Food Policy Council.   The overall mission of the Co … Read more

Recent article from The Nation

September 10, 2009

Here is an article from The Nation about an interesting program in Mileston, Holmes County, MS, the poorest county in the poorest state in the country.  It is a program that combines farming, farmer’s markets, government entitlement programs, health, youth programming, and education.