Tag: housing code
Who is an owner “of record” to be served with complaints and orders under NC minimum housing codes?
John Spartan serves as the senior housing code official for the town of San Angeles, NC, where he recently presided over his 100th minimum housing hearing. He has overseen the repair or removal of many unfit homes over the years, and he is careful to ensure that his town’s minimum housing code keeps … Read more
Targeting Troubled Neighborhoods for Housing Code Inspections
[UPDATE: The General Assembly enacted changes in 2017. Those changes are discussed in this law bulletin: Residential Rental Property Inspections, Permits, and Registration: Changes in 2017. See Questions 19 and 20 in the bulletin for a discussion of targeted inspections.] Along Broken Dreams Bouleva … Read more
Ensuring Local Policy Complies with New Residential Inspections Law
Tyler Mulligan is a School of Government faculty member. The city manager of Tooltime, North Carolina, picks up the phone and calls Tim Taylor, the city’s minimum housing public officer and lead housing inspector. “Tim, I understand why you suspended all periodic inspections in Tooltime that did not … Read more