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Student Corner: Affordable Housing: A Look at Programs in two of North Carolina’s Fastest Growing Cities

October 2, 2014

Summer 2014 saw increased attention paid to the issue of housing affordability in America with reports by Harvard’s Joint Center for Housing Studies, the National Low Income Housing Coalition (NLIHC) and the New York Times highlighting the squeeze low and middle income households face from ever-incr … Read more

Student Corner: Mixed Reviews — A Retrospective of Durham’s HOPE VI Revitalization Project

May 15, 2014

In August 2000, The Durham Housing Authority (DHA) in partnership with The Community Builders (TCB) received a $35 million HOPE VI grant from the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) to revitalize Few Gardens, a public housing development located in Northeast Durham. The purpose of the … Read more

Student Corner: Discriminatory Effect without Intent: A Fair Housing Challenge to the Allocation of Low Income Housing Tax Credits

May 1, 2014

A court case pitting two unlikely opponents in the effort to provide better housing opportunities for low-income households has captured the attention of state housing finance agencies around the country. At issue in Inclusive Communities Project, Inc. v. Texas Department of Housing and Community Af … Read more