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The Best Performing Cities in 2012

March 6, 2013

The Milken Institute recently released its rankings of the Best Performing Cities in 2012.  The Best Performing Cities Index attempts to gauge the level of economic vitality in a metropolitan region based on growth in jobs, wages, and high-tech output, as well as the concentration of high-tech outpu … Read more

Workforce development in rural communities

February 10, 2010

Lisa Stifler is a Research Associate with the Community & Economic Development Program. Workforce development is a relatively recent term and concept that has developed over the past two decades or so to describe a wide range of activities and policies related to learning for work.  Typically th … Read more

New Tools for Assessing Regional Competitiveness

February 4, 2010

Jonathan Morgan is a School of Government faculty member. So much about the practice of economic development is information-driven and the Internet has facilitated the creation of several web-based tools that make data on regional competitiveness more accessible than ever. A newly launched web site … Read more