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Student Corner: Small Business Access to Capital (Part V): Crowdfunding

June 20, 2013

This is the fifth in a series of blog posts on tools available to local governments to assist small businesses. Previous posts have covered revolving loan funds (parts I and II), loan loss reserves (III) and capital sources for loan funds (IV). The fifth topic in this series is crowdfunding. The his … Read more

Student Corner: Small Business Access to Capital (Part IV): Funding Sources to Capitalize Revolving Loan Funds

June 13, 2013

Funding sources to capitalize revolving loan funds is the fourth topic in a series on tools local governments can use to assist small businesses. As discussed in Part II of this blog post series, local governments across North Carolina are using revolving loan funds to support their small businesses … Read more

Student Corner: Small Business Access to Capital (Part III): Loan-Loss Reserve Fund

May 23, 2013

This is the third in a series of blog posts on tools available to local governments to assist small businesses. Previous posts have covered revolving loan funds (parts I and II). A second option is a loan-loss reserve fund. What is a loan-loss reserve fund? A loan-loss reserve fund (LLRF) involves a … Read more

Student Corner: Small Business Access to Capital (Part II): Revolving Loan Funds

May 9, 2013

Small business success is one of the cornerstones to the vitality of our communities. A variety of tools are available to local governments interested in supporting their small businesses. In this continuing series of blog posts about how local governments can assist small businesses, we will review … Read more

Small Business Access to Capital (Part I)

March 14, 2013

This is the first in a series of blog posts about communities deploying capital into small businesses. The following is an overview of a statewide program funded by the US Treasury; subsequent posts will focus on regional, county and municipal programs. The State Small Business Credit Initiative (SS … Read more