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Carolina Economic Revitalization Corps (CERC) Set to Serve State

May 28, 2010

Jason R. Nelson is the Project Director of the Carolina Economic Revitalization Corps (CERC). Six UNC-Chapel Hill graduate students will fan out across the state this summer to serve low-capacity and distressed communities as members of the Carolina Economic Revitalization Corps (CERC).  This progra … Read more

Student Corner: Caswell County youth and students from the school of public health present collaborative research results regarding what helps and hinders a healthy lifestyle for youth in Caswell

May 25, 2010

Peter Balvanz is a recent graduate from the Department of Health Behavior and Health Education (HBHE) at the Gillings School of Global Public Health. A group of youth from Caswell County and UNC public health students Leilani Ogan, Jeff Quinn, and Peter Balvanz recently presented collaborative resea … Read more

Student Corner: Lenoir County Awarded $88,626 in Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grant Funding

May 22, 2010

Adam Parker is a Masters in Public Administration alumnus at UNC Chapel Hill. Parker is entering UNC Law in the fall and currently works with Lenoir County, North Carolina. Over the past year, Community Campus Partnership interns have studied and engaged in a number of energy-related activities for … Read more

Student Corner: “It ain’t our fault” Understanding barriers and enablers of a healthy lifestyle through the eyes of Caswell County youth.

May 19, 2010

Peter Balvanz is a graduate student in the Department of Health Behavior and Health Education (HBHE) at the Gillings School of Global Public Health.  Fellow HBHE graduate students Jeff Quinn, Leilani Ogan and I recently wrapped up a photovoice project with a small group of high school youth from Cas … Read more

Recommended Book on Collaborative Governance

May 11, 2010

Rick Morse is a School of Government faculty member One of my primary research interests is the emerging practice of collaborative governance. I  have recently blogged about some of my own research on the topic and am happy here to recommend an excellent book I have recently read. Professor Carmen S … Read more

Student Corner: Danville Institute for Advanced Learning and Research Could Mean Opportunity for Caswell Co.

April 29, 2010

John Killeen is a graduate student in the Department of City and Regional Planning and works in Caswell County. Located a swift 20 minute drive from Yanceyville, Danville, Virginia is the closest shopping and working destination for northern Caswell County residents. It offers the usual big box and … Read more

Student Corner: Lenoir County Update

April 18, 2010

Adam Parker is a Masters in Public Administration student at UNC Chapel Hill and works as a Research Assistant in Lenoir County, North Carolina. The past few months have been full of activity in Lenoir County. This update will bring readers up to speed on recent events and future activities of the C … Read more

Student Corner: Kinston, We’re on the Way: A Local Communications Initiative in Lenoir County

April 16, 2010

Joy Jackson is a Masters Student of Public Administration and a graduate student assistant working with the Community-Campus Partnership The Community Campus Partnership has recently started to support a new communications/public relations initiative in Lenoir County.  “Kinston We’re on the Way”, or … Read more

Student Corner: Caswell high school students collaborate with UNC students to research barriers and facilitators to a healthy lifestyle

April 8, 2010

Peter Balvanz is a graduate student in the Department of Health Behavior and Health Education at the Gillings School of Global Public Health. Students from the University of North Carolina’s Gillings School of Global Public Health are in the process of conducting a community-based participatory rese … Read more

CCP Small Grants Available

April 1, 2010

Will Lambe is the Director of the Community-Campus Partnership and Associate Director for the Community & Economic Development Program. The Community-Campus Partnership (CCP) seeks proposals from Carolina faculty, students and staff, for projects that align with local priorities in Caswell and/o … Read more