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The Smart Growth Program in North Carolina

November 23, 2016

In September, my colleague Glenn Barnes shared resources from EPA on “smart growth” economic development. This approach to economic develop helps protect human health and the natural environment, while making communities more attractive, economically stronger, and more socially diverse. Smart Growth … Read more

Upfront Charges for Local Government Water and Sewer Capital

November 8, 2016

In the wake of a recent North Carolina Supreme Court decision invalidating certain water and sewer fees (Quality Built Homes, Inc. v. Town of Carthage), counties and municipalities across the state have been taking a closer look at their own fee schedules. (A summary of the case and its holding is h … Read more

EPA Resources on Smart Growth Economic Development

September 27, 2016

Many small towns and rural areas had an economy that was built on a single economic sector (for example, logging, mining, or manufacturing) that has changed significantly by technology and/or market forces, leaving residents without jobs and governments without a healthy tax base.  Some communities … Read more

Financing Energy Efficiency for Municipal Electric Utility Customers in North Carolina

August 23, 2016

Energy efficiency finance programs can help electricity customers to save money on their electric bills, have more efficient homes and offices to live and work in, reduce greenhouse gas emissions from energy production, and promote workforce development, job creation, and economic growth in local co … Read more

Mapping North Carolina’s Local Food Infrastructure

August 9, 2016

Strengthening local food economies can be viewed as an important part of a holistic approach to community development. Local food can be a positive contributor to social capital, public health, environmental preservation, and overall quality of life. It also can be an important component of local ec … Read more

Student Corner: Renewed Funding Extends New Market Tax Credit Program Through 2019

July 21, 2016

The CED blog has previously written about the importance of New Market Tax Credits, and their place in the process for developing real estate transactions (a primer can be found here, and a discussion of the process for investment can be found here).  Briefly, these credits are designed to drive cap … Read more

Is Your Local Community Partner Ready To Go?

July 19, 2016

In July 2013, I wrote a blog proposing a four-part framework for understanding if specific local organizations have the capacity to implement CED programs. How well does this framework hold up when actually used?  We answer this question using interviews with 31 local partners, over the past two yea … Read more

Student Corner: USDA Programs Boosting Access to Local, Fresh Foods Across North Carolina

June 23, 2016

The role of local food systems in supporting community and economic development is a topic that has received significant coverage on the CED blog. Blog contributor and SOG faculty member Rick Morse has covered this topic extensively on this blog, sharing strategies to promote local food initiatives, … Read more

Student Corner: A Primer on Applying for Historic Tax Credits and the National Historic Register

June 16, 2016

In development, it is often easier to start from scratch – buy a property, clear the land, and begin building the structure you want.  In fact, this is frequently the most cost effective way to develop a property: old structures can literally be ‘messy,’ with major deferred maintenance, old systems, … Read more

New Property Tax Exclusion for Developers

May 19, 2016

The start of the 2016-2017 fiscal year will bring with it a new property tax exclusion aimed at residential and commercial development.  Known informally as the “builders’ inventory” exclusion, the new law was passed as S.L. 2015-223 and will be codified as G.S. 105-277.02. In today’s blog, I offer … Read more