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Property Buy-Outs: A Good Option for Local Governments and Homeowners?

September 5, 2017

The devastating impact of flooding is once more in the public spotlight following the unprecedented rainfall from Hurricane Harvey in Texas. Nearer to home, residents in Princeville, Fair Bluff, Seven Springs, Windsor, Kinston and Lumberton NC are planning how to build stronger and safer after Hurri … Read more

Student Corner: The Missing Middle: An Affordable Housing Solution?

August 23, 2017

Throughout the United States, the cost of housing is rising faster than incomes. While there are many discussions taking place around this issue, an important one is how the types of housing being developed can have an impact on affordability, particularly in areas where demand is high – namely, wal … Read more

Student Corner: The Grasshoppers’ Stadium is a Homerun for Downtown Greensboro

August 17, 2017

When the Greensboro Grasshoppers threw out their first pitch at their new stadium on April 3, 2005, it was still uncertain what the impact of the stadium would be on the greater downtown.  The Joseph M. Bryan Foundation of Greater Greensboro took a leap of faith in building the $22.5 million stadium … Read more

Student Corner: One Neighborhood at a Time: The Incremental Development Alliance

August 3, 2017

In the Town of Riverdale, Betty Cooper is taking a walk through her neighborhood. She notices the dilapidated structures and blight that plague the area, and thinks to herself, “someone should do something about this.” Is Betty just a disgruntled citizen…or a developer in the making? The Incremental … Read more

How Should We Measure Community and Household Economic Conditions?

July 20, 2017

One of the fundamental measures for CED officials to track is a community’s economic condition. This issue of measuring economic condition, whether for an entire community or a single household, has taken on a central role in policy discussions recently, ranging from an emphasis on income inequality … Read more

Student Corner: Property-Assessed Clean Energy (PACE) Programs in North Carolina: Part I

July 18, 2017

There are several ways for state and local leaders to promote investments in their communities and reduce utility costs for residents. One tool that has been often overlooked in North Carolina are Property-Assessed Clean Energy (PACE) programs. This post provides an overview of PACE programs and the … Read more

Student Corner: An Innovation District in Downtown Durham: Will It Mean Gentrification? Not Necessarily…

July 13, 2017

On March 16, 2017, Longfellow Real Estate Partners, in partnership with Duke University and Measurement Inc., broke ground on the first phase of new construction on the Durham Innovation District, or Durham.ID, in downtown. Durham.ID describes itself as “1.7M square feet of possibility nestled among … Read more

Student Corner: Renewables: Beyond Traditional Small Scale Applications (Part II)

July 6, 2017

The first CED post in this series explored non-traditional uses of renewable energy that went beyond traditional on-roof and on-ground arrays. Those included solar canopies, roofs, and shingles, whose value-add is the possibility of producing a space that can be used for more than power generation. … Read more

Studying the Affordability of Water Rates

June 27, 2017

The affordability of water and wastewater rates is an issue that is attracting more attention than ever. In particular, “A Burgeoning Crisis? A Nationwide Assessment of the Geography of Water Affordability in United States”—a recent paper out of Michigan State University— has generated a great deal … Read more

Student Corner: Raleigh’s Moore Square Redevelopment

June 15, 2017

When you think of highest and best use for real estate, public parks are often overlooked.  Even if a park is functioning as intended, it still might have potential to serve the community in a greater capacity while adding benefit to the surrounding area. If the purpose of a park is to offer a recre … Read more