Tag: CRA
Student Corner: The Community Reinvestment Act & LIHTC: How changes in the banking sector could affect affordable housing
Over the past few decades, the Low-Income Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC) has become the nation’s most important policy to incentivize the creation of affordable housing. LIHTC, administered in North Carolina through the North Carolina Housing Finance Agency, allocates credits to private developers who t … Read more
Student Corner: Update on the Community Reinvestment Act
The Community Reinvestment Act (CRA) was enacted in 1977 and charged federal bank regulators with the task of monitoring the banking industry’s lending practices and community development investments in low- and moderate-income communities. The CRA was created to address banking industry practices k … Read more
Community Reinvestment Act Communities Identified
Community development efforts obviously depend on support by local financial actors. Through the Community Reinvestment Act, banks and other financial institutions are monitored on how well they serve low and moderate income areas in the communities they serve. One of the indicators regulators use … Read more