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Community and Economic Development – Blog by UNC School of Government
On Demand: Economic Development Tools and Strategies
Affordable Housing Regional Seminar
Basic Economic Development
Community Development Academy
Development Finance Toolbox
Essentials of Economic Development
Advising and Technical Assistance
Articles Posted by CED Program Interns & Students
Author Archives: CED Program Interns & Students
Revisiting the Community Land Trust: An Academic Literature Review
What Makes Rural Art Parks Successful? Recommendations for CED Art Lovers
Student Corner: The Role of Technology in CED Service Delivery – Help or Hindrance? The Example of SNAP Benefit Enrollment
Student Corner: Community Gardens: Documenting Ordinances in Major US Urban Areas
Student Corner: Community Ownership as a Tool for Preservation and Wealth Creation
Student Corner: Addressing Construction Labor Shortages Post-Pandemic
Student Corner: The Impacts of Upzoning on Property Values in NC
Student Corner: Building up the “S”: How Municipalities and Real Estate Developers Can Find Common Ground for Social Equity
Student Corner: Spillover Benefits of Park Proximity
Student Corner: Can an HOA revitalize a neighborhood?
Student Corner: Land Revitalization and Brownfield Grants
Student Corner: Regulating Short-term rentals in the Staycation Future?
Student Corner: Evicted in a Pandemic
Student Corner: Seats on the Street: Changes to Outdoor Dining in the Time of COVID-19
Student Corner: Emergency Funds for Small Businesses
Student Corner: How North Carolina has used Community Development Block Grants to Fund Disaster Recovery Programs
Student Corner: Community Development Block Grants – Disaster Recovery Funds (Part 1)
Student Corner: Durham’s Blueprint for Equitable Community Engagement
Student Corner: The Community Reinvestment Act & LIHTC: How changes in the banking sector could affect affordable housing
Student Corner: Household Overcrowding in North Carolina: A Look at the Data
Student Corner: Strategies for Creating Mixed-Income Neighborhoods
Student Corner: Kannapolis, NC: Strategic Vision, Financial Planning, Development
Student Corner: Transit-Oriented Development? Or Development-Oriented Transit?
Student Corner: NC Commerce Kicks Off the Downtown Strong Initiative
Student Corner: The State of American Transportation and Complete Streets
Student Corner: Update on the Community Reinvestment Act
Student Corner: Exploring Micro-Units: Part 2
Student Corner: A Review of SBIR Grant Funding in North Carolina
Student Corner: Key Elements of Successful Downtowns
Student Corner: Trends in Housing for an Aging Population