Tag: economic margin
Savings Programs for Low-Income Households: Overcoming Challenges in Rural Areas
Tyler Mulligan is a School of Government faculty member. This post is part of a series that highlights approaches described in a School of Government web guide on asset-building tactics for individuals and communities on the economic margin. A prior post lists several reasons that many communities h … Read more
Build Financial Assets for Low-income Households by Sponsoring IDA Programs
Tyler Mulligan is a School of Government faculty member. This post is part of a series that highlights approaches described in a School of Government web guide on asset-building strategies for individuals and communities on the economic margin. Market-based economies are characterized by boom and bu … Read more
Asset-Based Development: An Approach to Poverty in the U.S.
With politicians and the media focusing so much attention on the gap between the rich and the poor, some community leaders are asking what they can do to assist communities and households on the economic margin. One approach that deserves serious examination is known as “asset-based development.” Th … Read more