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Student Corner: Property-Assessed Clean Energy (PACE) Programs in North Carolina: Part II

September 7, 2017

There are several ways for state and local leaders to promote investments in their communities and reduce utility costs for residents. One tool that has been often overlooked in North Carolina are Property-Assessed Clean Energy (PACE) programs. This post examines the benefits and drawbacks of commer … Read more

More Federal Funding Available to Grow Clean Energy Small Businesses

March 23, 2016

Back in September, this blog highlighted a new program from US EPA to work with small businesses nationwide to develop and commercialize technologies that tackle critical environmental problems:  the Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Program.  Now the US Department of Energy’s Office of Ener … Read more

How to Measure Job Creation from Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Programs

December 22, 2015

  In past posts, we have discussed how governments can use financing programs to encourage energy improvements and how energy improvements can turn undesirable properties into economic opportunities.  In fact, economic development and job creation are some of the major benefits touted by govern … Read more

Student Corner: Less Consumption, More Production – Energy Efficiency Programs

April 10, 2014

It seems like everywhere you turn these days, someone is talking about climate change and the effects of high energy consumption. No matter what your stance on the subject matter, the data concerning energy consumption and the cost of supplying its demand throughout North Carolina is shocking. A 201 … Read more

Using Energy Programs to Turn Undesirable Properties into Economic Opportunities

June 25, 2013

Local governments may find opportunities for economic development through energy programs and energy installations.  Some communities have even used energy installations to turn otherwise undesirable properties into economic opportunities. The town of Hull, Massachusetts is located on a peninsula in … Read more

Understanding the Energy Use of Your Business and Industry

March 26, 2013

Energy and sustainability programs can be important economic development initiatives for governments.  Governments interested in initiating energy efficiency and renewable energy programs for their business and industry should first learn about how those businesses and industry sites use energy. Two … Read more

When Energy Efficiency Programs Are About More Than Saving Energy

September 25, 2012

Government-backed energy efficiency programs provide opportunities for all types of buildings to reduce their electricity consumption and save money—from single family residences and affordable housing facilities to small businesses and industrial plants.  These same energy improvements also have po … Read more

What can Four Dollars Get You? Quite A Bit if You Use it in the Right Way!

April 24, 2012

Jeff Hughes is a Director of the School of Government’s Environmental Finance Center and a School of Government Faculty Member Four dollars happens to be about the price of a gallon of gasoline these days, but it’s also what each student at University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill pays each semes … Read more

Energy Efficiency for Middle Income Households

March 27, 2012

Glenn Barnes is a Senior Project Director with the Environmental Finance Center based at the UNC School of Government.  A year ago, this blog post highlighted the work done by the Lawrence Berkeley National Lab to drive demand for home energy improvements. The Berkeley Lab staff have now come out wi … Read more

The Next Big Site for Your Cleantech Economic Development Project – Your Local Wastewater Treatment Plant?

January 24, 2012

Jeff Hughes is a Director of the School of Government’s Environmental Finance Center and a School of Government Faculty Member What would you say to an economic development initiative that brings together a diverse set of partners; effectively advances local, state, and global environmental goals; r … Read more