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How to Keep the Local Grocery Store Open: A Challenge for NC CED Professionals

July 18, 2023

Almost 15 years ago, a brief CED blog post highlighted several resources for supporting or attracting local grocery stores, especially ones in rural areas.  Much more recently, a CED post highlighted the various ways CED professionals interact with food systems overall. This post brings North Caroli … Read more

CED through Local and Regional Food Systems: The Latest Resources

January 17, 2023

In the past year, activity around local food systems increased dramatically. Government has been involved in supporting food systems for decades, but primarily through programs adopted at the federal level to both promote food production and protect the health of consumers. But having government wor … Read more

Student Corner: Community Gardens: Documenting Ordinances in Major US Urban Areas

February 10, 2022

 As cities look to create inclusive spaces for community and economic development, urban farming is an inventive potential for green growth. These green spaces promote regeneration within neighborhoods, produce fresh produce in food deserts, and provide a community for historically disenfranchised c … Read more

Practical Tools for CED: What Social Network Maps Can Offer

January 19, 2021

Last May, the following message went out over the Food Policy Network’s (FPN) listserv. “We are working to put together a process for network mapping one of our local food policy councils’ COVID response efforts. (The) purposes are to document the networks that were developed and the associated outc … Read more

Lessons for CED from Europe: Inclusive Communities and a New City-Run Food Pantry

October 17, 2017

The photo was eerily familiar to anyone interested in CED.  The headline from the New York Times article on September 20, just days before the German national election, read, “Merkel Says Germans ‘Never Had It Better.’ But Many Feel Left Behind.”  The accompanying photo by Gordon Welters, shown here … Read more

Student Corner: One City, Two Public Markets: Case Studies of Success and Failure in Portland, Maine

February 9, 2017

Public Markets are often used as a tool in downtown revitalization. They are attractive uses for vacant building with large footprints and bring high value and high-demand local food options to consumers, drive foot traffic, and catalyze new development. In the last 20 years, Portland, Maine, has se … Read more

Mapping North Carolina’s Local Food Infrastructure

August 9, 2016

Strengthening local food economies can be viewed as an important part of a holistic approach to community development. Local food can be a positive contributor to social capital, public health, environmental preservation, and overall quality of life. It also can be an important component of local ec … Read more

Is Your Local Community Partner Ready To Go?

July 19, 2016

In July 2013, I wrote a blog proposing a four-part framework for understanding if specific local organizations have the capacity to implement CED programs. How well does this framework hold up when actually used?  We answer this question using interviews with 31 local partners, over the past two yea … Read more

Student Corner: USDA Programs Boosting Access to Local, Fresh Foods Across North Carolina

June 23, 2016

The role of local food systems in supporting community and economic development is a topic that has received significant coverage on the CED blog. Blog contributor and SOG faculty member Rick Morse has covered this topic extensively on this blog, sharing strategies to promote local food initiatives, … Read more

Community Food Strategies: Food System Network Building in NC

April 12, 2016

As I have written about before, I see local food organizing as a powerful community building enterprise. Because everyone eats, local food efforts literally can have an impact on entire communities. And because local food organizing touches upon all aspects of community capital (social, environmenta … Read more