Tag: public-private partnerships
Student Corner: Public Private Partnerships led the way in Asheville’s revitalization
We have all heard the story: A new shopping center opens. Downtown businesses leave. People follow in pursuit. Downtown dies. Today, many of these once extinct downtowns are thriving. Communities are investing in their downtowns because they know a vibrant downtown is key to attracting new businesse … Read more
Bottoms up! Adapting community development finance for local water infrastructure
“I’m … proposing a Partnership to Rebuild America that attracts private capital to upgrade what our businesses need most: modern ports to move our goods; modern pipelines to withstand a storm; modern schools worthy of our children.” – POTUS in 2013 State of the Union Prompted by the flooding brough … Read more
Student Corner: Redevelopment of Historic Downtown Theater: Don Gibson Theatre (Shelby, NC)
When the Don Gibson Theatre reopened in 2009 in uptown Shelby, NC, it didn’t take long for locals and visitors to start filling the newly renovated, 400 seat auditorium. Named after the hometown country music hero, Don Gibson, the fully updated theatre emphasizes the city’s deep musical heritage and … Read more
Student Corner: How Counties Organize to Carry Out Economic Development (part IV)
This is the fourth in a series of posts to illustrate different ways that counties in NC organize to carry out economic development activities (links to parts I, II, and III). Each post will profile a different county’s economic development entity, including its structure, funding, staffing and repo … Read more
New Video on Collaboration for Infrastructure Financing
Rick Morse is a School of Government faculty member. The fiscal climate for local governments (rural communities in particular) is daunting. Local governments are in a state of fiscal crisis and the long term forecast is not encouraging. Many use the term the “new normal” to express the sentiment th … Read more
Overcoming Obstacles to Collaboration: The Role of Emotional Intelligence
Rick Morse is a School of Government faculty member. While cross-sectoral and cross-jurisdictional partnerships are often key to successful community and economic development, the fact remains that there are many real obstacles to collaboration, including time, turf, and trust. People naturally resi … Read more
New Video about Creating a Public-Private Partnership for Economic Development
Rick Morse is a School of Government faculty member. Economic development is a classic example of a boundary-crossing problem. Local economies are impacted by the actions of multiple jurisdictions (e.g. neighboring municipalities, county government, etc.), as well as the actions of private and nonpr … Read more
Collaborative Governance: The Case of WNC EdNET
Rick Morse is a School of Government faculty member. To effectively address today’s public problems there is an increasing need to work through partnerships across multiple boundaries (organizational, jurisdictional, sectoral). “Collaborative governance” has come to be the term of art for this idea … Read more