Tag: senior housing
Student Corner: Trends in Housing for an Aging Population
The Joint Center for Housing Studies (JCHS) at Harvard University recently published the “Housing America’s Older Adults” report, an overview of the changing dynamics and needs of the nation’s aging population. The report highlights the need to address the evolving housing needs of the large … Read more
Student Corner: Hope through Housing: A Model for Addressing Pressing Community Challenges
In the Town of Carol-Blue, Donny, a local community developer, finds himself in a really tough position. Both the county and city budgets are constrained and the challenges the town face economically seem only to grow in size. After performing an analysis of senior housing demand, he realizes that t … Read more
Student Corner: Finding the Hard Numbers for a Rising Problem: A Method of Calculating Demand for Affordable Senior Housing
The supply of affordable senior rental housing is a growing concern across North Carolina. The source of this problem is linked to North Carolina’s growing senior population and a rising overall demand for affordable rental housing. As mentioned in a previous blog post, by the year 2050, according … Read more
Student Corner: The Potential Impact of Baby Boomer Housing and Community Preferences on Downtown Revitalization
Downtown redevelopment to attract talented Millennials has become an important and popular economic development policy in many cities across the country. By now it is almost common knowledge what it takes to attract talented Millennials to your town or city: walkable, diverse and vibrant neighborhoo … Read more
Student Corner: Innovative Senior Care Facilities – The PACE Program
Susie Senior, an 80 year-old participant in the Program of All Inclusive Care for the Elderly (PACE), begins her day with a home visit from a PACE home care assistant. The assistant helps Susie get dressed, organize medicines, and do some basic shopping and errands within the community. Following th … Read more
Student Corner: Historic Building Reuse for Affordable Senior Housing
An emerging new source of supply for affordable senior housing is the adaptive reuse of historic buildings. These projects not only create much-needed new units of senior housing, but also offer communities a creative solution to their historic buildings, many of which are in dire need of renovation … Read more