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Community and Economic Development – Blog by UNC School of Government

Tool for Comparing Data on North Carolina Cities

By CED Guest Author

Published August 14, 2013

How do NC cities compare on percent of the population that is young adults? Or on housing cost burden? And unemployment rates?

The UNC-Chapel Hill Center for Urban and Regional Studies (CURS) has the answers – comparing U.S. Census Bureau data since 1980 for North Carolina’s 44 largest cities, covering 40% of the state’s population. The State of North Carolina Cities (SNCC) Data Portal is a long-term initiative to inform citizens and policymakers about the changes occurring in North Carolina’s cities. SNCC covers ten social, education and economic indicators:  Employment and unemployment rates, poverty, population growth, high school and college education level, proportion of young adults,  housing cost burden, unemployment, and housing overcrowding.

SNCC provides data in an easily digestible format: comparison bar charts and brief commentary. For example, this summary here shows comparisons on overcrowding of housing, based on 2008-2010 data. Go to the “Overview” drop-down box at the top, and you can choose among time periods ranging from 1990 to 2008-10.

For more information about this tool, contact: Todd Owen at

John Stephens is a School of Government faculty member.

Published August 14, 2013 By CED Guest Author

How do NC cities compare on percent of the population that is young adults? Or on housing cost burden? And unemployment rates?

The UNC-Chapel Hill Center for Urban and Regional Studies (CURS) has the answers – comparing U.S. Census Bureau data since 1980 for North Carolina’s 44 largest cities, covering 40% of the state’s population. The State of North Carolina Cities (SNCC) Data Portal is a long-term initiative to inform citizens and policymakers about the changes occurring in North Carolina’s cities. SNCC covers ten social, education and economic indicators:  Employment and unemployment rates, poverty, population growth, high school and college education level, proportion of young adults,  housing cost burden, unemployment, and housing overcrowding.

SNCC provides data in an easily digestible format: comparison bar charts and brief commentary. For example, this summary here shows comparisons on overcrowding of housing, based on 2008-2010 data. Go to the “Overview” drop-down box at the top, and you can choose among time periods ranging from 1990 to 2008-10.

For more information about this tool, contact: Todd Owen at

John Stephens is a School of Government faculty member.

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